Faith and Doubt

DTM | April 3rd, 2022

April 4, 2022 • Rev. Ho-Ming Tsui • Genesis 16

Faith and Doubt
Scripture: Genesis 16
Rev. Ho-Ming Tsui

What’s the Bible really about? It is not a story of moral exemplars, but a story about God’s grace intervening in the lives of broken, selfish and ultimately undeserving people.

When God gives us a promise, we have two choices: Wait until we see God’s hands at work, or take matters into your own hands (v. 1-4a)

What makes us take matters into our own hands instead of trusting God? Barrenness (v. 4b-6).

When we seek salvation from our barrenness - apart from God - there are dire consequences:

Blame and Exploitation (Sarai)
Passivity (Abraham)
Pride (Hagar)

What is the alternative? The grace of God

The only way we are free from this enslavement is knowing that we are worth loving - not because of what we do or have - but simply because God loves us. We can wait patiently knowing God loves us — that His timing and His ways are best.

Do you understand that without God, you would have nothing?

Do you understand that with God, you gain everything?

The grace of God intervenes in the lives of the people of this story:

Abraham did nothing. Yet, God was gracious. He reassures him again and again that He will fulfill His promises (Gen. 15, 17).

Sarai was self-righteous. Yet God was gracious. She eventually became pregnant and gave birth to a son. God even renames her and blesses her when announcing the birth of Isaac (Gen 17:15–21).

Hagar was prideful. She and Ishmael were not in the chosen line of God’s redemptive history. And yet God was gracious. He sees their pain and cared for them.

God’s grace is not without effect (v. 7-13)

God’s grace reshapes our identity: Hagar is no longer a slave, but an heir to God’s promise. We will always be a slave to the identity the culture gives to us, unless we are we get a new identity as a child of God.

God’s grace reshapes our perspective. Hagar didn’t have an explanation, she only had a perspective. God’s way might not make sense in the moment, but if you know His plans are good, you can persevere.

God’s grace gives us the confidence to press on. Hagar returned with new confidence. When you see the face of God, you can face anything. He may not let us escape our pain but we can believe he has a redemptive purpose in all things.

The Power of Forgiveness

November 27, 2022 • Rev. Ho-Ming Tsui • Genesis 50

Sermon Notes Making All Things New:  Book of Genesis The Power of Forgiveness Rev. Ho-Ming Tsui Scripture: Genesis 50 ——— What is God’s providence? The often-imperceptible work of God to fulfill his good purposes. God’s Providence in Scripture (Phil. 2:13; Eph. 1:11-12; Romans 8:28)  ——— What does trusting in God’s providence practically entail? (Gen. 50:19-20) 1. Leaving the righting of wrongs to God: God’s providential work IN us (v. 19) 2. Seeing God work for our ultimate good - God’s providential work FOR us (v. 20) 3. Forgiving those who hurt you and showing gratitude (and even) affection - God’s providential work THROUGH us (v. 21)

Providence in the Midst of Suffering

November 20, 2022 • Rev. Shu-Ling Lee • Genesis 39

Making All Things New: The Book of GenesisProvidence in the Midst of SufferingRev. Shu-Ling Lee Genesis 39

On the Path to Humility

November 13, 2022 • Rev. Ho-Ming Tsui • Genesis 37

Making All Things New: The Book of Genesis On the Path to Humility Rev. Ho-Ming Tsui Genesis 37 Consequences of Favouritism ——— 1. Envy: Joseph’s brothers were filled with envy (v. 20) Two ways to handle envy a) Build yourself up b) Bring others down We say that people are proud of being rich, or clever, or good-looking, but they are not. They are proud of being richer, or cleverer, or better-looking than others. —C.S. Lewis ——— 2. Pride: Joseph puffed up with pride (v.9) ——— 1. How do avoid favouritism? A Word to Parents Are you shaping your children to believe that your love for them is predicated on their performance and behaviour? Is it consistently communicated to them that their parent’s love rises and falls on how they perform or behave? How you interact with others (including how your parent) exposes who you think God is. On a practical note… • Acknowledge that you have unique relationship with each child • Be proactive in showing love to each child • Craft out intentional family time ——— 2. How to I overcome envy and pride? A Word to Children Allow your heavenly Father to meet your deepest needs Learn to honour your parents — not idolize them. ——— Conclusion: Lean into the Father’s love…