A Light to My Path: An Introduction

RHCCC | April 28th, 2019

April 28, 2019 • Rev. Reuben Foncardas • Luke 24:13–53

A Light to My Path: An Introduction

Pastor Reuben Foncardas

Luke 24:13-53

When we truly receive the Word of God and meet the God of the Word, three things happen.

1. Hearts Burning

a) with a renewed faith

b) with a renewed hope

c) with a renewed love

2. Minds Yearning

a) for enlightenment

b) for fellowship

c) for change

3. Mouths Declaring

a) that Jesus is alive

b) that Jesus is Saviour

c) that Jesus is Lord

“The key to understanding the Bible is to see Jesus Christ on every page.”

Warren Wiersbe


Sermon Study Guide

Luke 24:13-35

Jesus appears to two men, one named Cleopas and the other unnamed, after his resurrection.

1. What were the two men concerned about? What might have blinded them? (v. 13-24)

2. How did Jesus respond to them? What blinds us from seeing the truth in our lives? (v.25-27)

3. Sometimes God blinds us from seeing things yet He reveals Himself to us according to His ways and timing. How has God revealed Himself to you recently? What lessons is He teaching you? (v.28-32)

4. The two men returned to Jerusalem and proclaimed to the 11 disciples Jesus is risen (v33- 35). Have you proclaimed who Jesus is in your life? What stops you from sharing the gospel to others?