Confession and Repentance

Bayview site | January 14th, 2024

January 14, 2024 • Rev. Ho-Ming Tsui • Nehemiah 9

Sermon Notes

Why Worship? : Confession and Repentance

Speaker: Rev. Ho-Ming Tsui

Scripture: Nehemiah 9

If we are going to experience God’s renewal in our lives, we must be honest about our spiritual condition; lean on God’s grace and love; and meet with God once again.

1. Confess our spiritual condition (v. 1-17a)

The 4 Stages of Renewal

You move to each stage through honest and bold confession

I. Personal Renewal: If God is going to renew your church, he’ll begin it with you.

II. Relational Renewal: After you get right with God, you’ve got to get right with others.

III. Missional Renewal: Without personal renewal, and relational renewal, a church has no unity to press forward on the mission to which God calls them.

IV. Cultural Renewal: If you work on the first three renewals, God will change the culture.

2. Lean on the compassion of God (v. 17b-31)

God’s compassion comes to us in two forms:

(a) His Presence: God walks with us

(b) His Confrontation: God works on us

3. Renew our commitment to Jesus (v. 32-38)

How serious are we about meeting with Jesus again? (Rev. 2:3-5)

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Giving Our Offering

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