Reaching The Next Generation in the Digital World

RHCCC | November 29th, 2020

November 29, 2020 • Rev. Ho-Ming Tsui

Sermon Notes

New Cultural Force + God’s Word + Creative Response = Reaching New Generation(s)

What are the challenges?

- Chasm 1: Everyday life + sensationalized life
- Chasm 2: Information + wisdom
- Chasm 3: Real relationship + virtual relationships

1. Sensationalized generation, but how deep is it?
2. Informed generation, but how discerning is it?
3. Connected generation, but how fulfilled is it?

What is our faithful creative response?
1. Train (Proverbs 22:6)

- Delaying exposure
- Limiting usage
- Trusting them with increasing responsibility (Luke 16:10)

2. Treasure (Matthew 6:19-24)

If our children cannot find their highest satisfaciotn in Christ, they are going to look for it in something else.

Create an environment at home that is more engaging and more satisfying than the one they find online.

1. Be a consistent presence in their lives
2. Create positive memories (have fun!) as you disciple your children
3. Do something hard together for the sake of another

Conclusion: 1 Corinthians 15:9-11

Parenting on Purpose Week 2

November 22, 2020 • Pastor Joey Molloy

Sermon Notes Foundational Question: Is this your families priority? Delivering the Gospel as a family drives relationship and discipleship. Week 1: Great Commandment - Worship, Ministry Week 2: Great Commission - Evangelism, Fellowship, Discipleship 1. Evangelism at Home Share, because you Care! The insecurity of making oneself vulnerable by sharing Jesus is best experienced together. 2. Fellowship at Home Show me your friends and I will show you your future Who we laugh, cry and do life with speaks volumes about who we are and who will become 3. Discipleship at Home RADICAL Disciples How we spend our “down time” determines what type of disciples we will become and will produce. Consider Parenting on Purpose requires not just taking our family to a Church where the Purposes are celebrated, but bringing those same purposes into our everyday life

Parenting on Purpose Week 1

November 15, 2020 • Pastor Joey Molloy

Sermon Notes Foundational Question: Is this your families priority? Loving God and loving one another together best represents the heart of God for your family Week 1: Great Commandment - Worship, Ministry Week 2: Great Commission - Evangelism, Fellowship, Discipleship 1. Worship at Home The Creation and the Created cry our for a Creator 2. Ministry at Home Service with a smile

Developing a Biblical Worldview in our Families

November 8, 2020 • Rev. Reuben Foncardas • Deuteronomy 6:4–9

Sermon Notes As parents, we need to work to ensure our children have a relationship with Jesus, not just a desire to be part of a loving community doing good. In other words, we need to ask, are we discipling or merely socializing our children in church? —Ed Stetzer Deuteronomy 6:4-9 shows us three instructions we must carry out in order to develop a biblical worldview in our families. 1. Listen: Be obedient to God! - Developing a biblical worldview begins with God. We must know him, his will, and his ways. - How serious are we in studying God’s Word? 2. Love: Be devoted to God! - God must be first in everything if we truly love him. - Is God first in our finances, in our interests, in our relationships, in our schedule, and in our troubles? 3. Lead: Be a messenger of God! - Three ways we can lead our children: Tell them, Show them, and Do it with them. - We teach with our words and with our lives and our influence must go beyond our home. Conclusion Listen to God and you will God and you will be http://convinced.lead your children and you will be passionate for God