The Theology of Work

RHCCC | April 23rd, 2023

April 23, 2023 • Rev. Ho-Ming Tsui • Genesis 1:26–28

Sermon notes

Church at Work: The Theology of Work

Rev. Ho-Ming Tsui

Scripture: Genesis 1:26-28

What is the story you’re living out?

• Purpose: What is the universe all about? What am I doing on this planet? 

• Problem: Why are things not the way they should be? What obstacles should I overcome to accomplish this good and meaningful goal? 

• Solution: What is the main way to resolve what is wrong? How do I overcome the problem so I can fulfill my purpose? 

What is Work in the Christian Story? 

1. Purpose: Work is a means by which God extends His love to the world.

  a. We were created to resemble God 

  b. We were created to represent God

2. Problem: Work has been corrupted by sin

3. Solution: Work can be redeemed.

There are 3 purposes God calls us to fulfill (“Exiles on Mission” by Paul Williams)

1. The Creation Mandate (to fill, cultivate, and rule the earth), ie. "First Commission"

2. The Great Commandments (to love God and neighbour)

3. The Great Commission (to scatter, be witnesses, make disciples) 

  a. See our work as redemption• displaying

  b. Treat our work as mission• advancing