Justification by Faith

DTM | March 27th, 2022

March 27, 2022 • Pastor Angela Luk • Genesis 15

Making All Things New: The Book of Genesis
Justification by Faith

Scripture: Genesis 15
Pastor Angela Luk

Sermon Notes

A Divine covenant is not a mutual agreement on equal terms between two parties, but a Divine promise assured.
—Alexander Maclaren

1. God invites a response to his promises

a. Abram looked to God for his faith to be strengthened
b. The difference between a doubt that denies God’s promise and a doubt that desires God’s promise

2. God credits righteousness on account of our trust in him (Gen. 15:6)

a. Abram concludes that he can believe that God will be faithful to him and to his promise
b. Two types of righteousness:
i. Righteousness accomplished by our own efforts
ii. Righteousness credited to us by God for believing in him

3. God commits himself fully to his promises (Gen. 15:7-21)
a. God gave visible assurance to Abram that the covenant he made was real


• It is a test of faith to believe in God’s promises
• The source of our strength to put faith in God is in God himself

But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.
—2 Peter 3:8-9