Move | Week 2 | Josh Ballard | 09/25/22

September 25, 2022 • Josh Ballard

This week, Pastor Josh continued on with the second half of our ‘Move’ sermon series with a message on what it means to a prophetic people.

We are a part of Antioch, which means that we are an apostolic and prophetic people. We need to understand what this means to fully step into all that God has for us as a people.

What does it mean to be a prophetic people? Pastor Josh made three primary points:

1. We are called to live in tension

We need to know who God is; His character and nature, and based on that – how we are to live our lives. When it comes to the prophetic, this means seeing and filling the gap between the church and the world. We need to be a people who identify where and how the world is not lining up and fill the gap.

2. We are called to be guides to the church and signpost to the world.

Being a prophetic people means that we are people who guide. The majority of the world around us is going the wrong way, the broad way, and therefore, the church needs to firmly plant themselves in the road to show the way that leads to life. We do this through living out our values in bold ways. We must be signposts to the people around us, pointing people to Jesus, and true life in Him.

3. We are called to pull the future into the present

We need to seek the Lord, and as we do so He will give us clues about how we are to encourage, inspire, and warn the people around us of what is coming.

In our world today there is so much coming at us that it’s very easy for us to lose our ability to hear the voice of God. We have too much input, which makes it harder to hear the Holy Spirit. Therefore, we need to be people who fast and pray as a way to clear the air, tune out the distractions, and hear God clearly for ourselves, for others, and for our world.This week, Pastor Josh continued on with the second half of our ‘Move’ sermon series with a message on what it means to a prophetic people.

We are a part of Antioch, which means that we are an apostolic and prophetic people. We need to understand what this means to fully step into all that God has for us as a people.

What does it mean to be a prophetic people? Pastor Josh made three primary points:

1. We are called to live in tension

We need to know who God is; His character and nature, and based on that – how we are to live our lives. When it comes to the prophetic, this means seeing and filling the gap between the church and the world. We need to be a people who identify where and how the world is not lining up and fill the gap.

2. We are called to be guides to the church and signpost to the world.

Being a prophetic people means that we are people who guide. The majority of the world around us is going the wrong way, the broad way, and therefore, the church needs to firmly plant themselves in the road to show the way that leads to life. We do this through living out our values in bold ways. We must be signposts to the people around us, pointing people to Jesus, and true life in Him.

3. We are called to pull the future into the present

We need to seek the Lord, and as we do so He will give us clues about how we are to encourage, inspire, and warn the people around us of what is coming.

In our world today there is so much coming at us that it’s very easy for us to lose our ability to hear the voice of God. We have too much input, which makes it harder to hear the Holy Spirit. Therefore, we need to be people who fast and pray as a way to clear the air, tune out the distractions, and hear God clearly for ourselves, for others, and for our world.This week, Pastor Josh continued on with the second half of our ‘Move’ sermon series with a message on what it means to a prophetic people.

We are a part of Antioch, which means that we are an apostolic and prophetic people. We need to understand what this means to fully step into all that God has for us as a people.

What does it mean to be a prophetic people? Pastor Josh made three primary points:

1. We are called to live in tension

We need to know who God is; His character and nature, and based on that – how we are to live our lives. When it comes to the prophetic, this means seeing and filling the gap between the church and the world. We need to be a people who identify where and how the world is not lining up and fill the gap.

2. We are called to be guides to the church and signpost to the world.

Being a prophetic people means that we are people who guide. The majority of the world around us is going the wrong way, the broad way, and therefore, the church needs to firmly plant themselves in the road to show the way that leads to life. We do this through living out our values in bold ways. We must be signposts to the people around us, pointing people to Jesus, and true life in Him.

3. We are called to pull the future into the present

We need to seek the Lord, and as we do so He will give us clues about how we are to encourage, inspire, and warn the people around us of what is coming.

In our world today there is so much coming at us that it’s very easy for us to lose our ability to hear the voice of God. We have too much input, which makes it harder to hear the Holy Spirit. Therefore, we need to be people who fast and pray as a way to clear the air, tune out the distractions, and hear God clearly for ourselves, for others, and for our world.

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Move | Week 1 | Matthew Anderson | 09/19/22

September 18, 2022 • Matthew Anderson, Pastor Matthew

This morning, Pastor Matthew starts our new series, "Move", with a message about identity. Culture says that what we do defines who we are, but that drives us to be stuck, burnt out, and more frustrated. Our true and primary identity is that we are children of God. This identity isn’t earned, but we are born or grafted into it. Being a child of God not only defines who we are but also how we operate. In Genesis 1:27–28, Adam and Eve were chosen to be a son and daughter of God, and with that, came a role to fill the earth, subdue it, and expand heaven across the earth. When sin affected that mandate, God later chose Abraham as a vessel for his "heaven on earth" desire (Genesis 12:1-3). Through Abraham, God created the people of Israel, who would bless the earth. Because of what Jesus did on the cross, the Gentiles can also be a part of that covenant and mandate of heaven on earth. Matthew also discussed our identity as people of Waypoint Church. We are apostolic people, which means that we are sent ones. We are called to plant churches as it is an assignment that God has given to us. Apostolic people see gaps, run to them, and then ask the Lord if we are the ones that are supposed to fill them. Living missionally and with a purpose every day is another aspect of life at Waypoint. It’s important that we are constantly led by and dependent on the Holy Spirit. That means we dig deep into the Word so we can hear and know his voice more clearly, which leads to obedience. We want to be people that live differently by the power of the Holy Spirit! We are also people who are all in it for Jesus and the people of the world, which means dying to oneself. This means that we are called to be fathers and mothers in the kingdom of God. It is our heart to have people climb on our shoulders and go farther and be better than we ever could.