Get Up and Walk | Part One | Pastor Matthew Anderson | 02.20.22

February 20, 2022 • Matthew Anderson

This week, Pastor Matthew began a new sermon series called “get up and walk” out of John 5-11.

Jesus didn’t replace the Jewish laws and customs, He fulfilled them. In doing so He offers us a new way of living in which we can get up and walk out of our sin, our unforgiveness, our hopelessness, and our former lives.

The Gospels all show us what happens when the true King comes to earth. He didn’t come as they were expecting, as an overthrower. He came instead as a servant leader, who healed the sick, befriended the broken, and revealed a new way.

Too many of us today are trying to get Kingdom of God results, but in our strength.

In order to “get up and walk” in our own lives, we need to lay down the excuses and go after Jesus. The word “get up” used here is regularly used to describe the resurrection, and we have access today to this same resurrection power through the Holy Spirit.

Sin can cause resurrection power to be delayed in our lives, and thus we need to repent and confess our sins to one another. If we don’t, our sin can keep us in bondage for decades.

The world needs the followers of Jesus to stand, walk away from false idols, and share the Kingdom of God with the world.

Get up and Walk | Part Nine | Pastor Jermaine Stewart | 04.17.22

April 17, 2022

This week was Easter Sunday, and Pastor Jermaine led us in the last message of our “Get up and walk” series with a sermon out of John 11: 1-44 This passage details the story of Lazarus. When Jesus received the news that Lazarus was sick, He stayed where He was for two more days. This did not make sense to those around Him, because during this time Lazarus died. What they didn’t know was that Jesus was designing an extraordinary miracle for them; a miracle that took them to new dimensions of faith. When Jesus finally arrived, Lazarus had been dead for four days. His sisters were confused as to why He had not come sooner, but they still had some semblance of faith; knowing that even now God would grant Jesus whatever He asked. Jesus asked them to remove the stone, and when they did so Lazarus came up and out of the grave – growing their faith. One of the lessons we can learn from the story of Lazarus is to trust in the timing of the Lord. Our current trials and delays may simply be the early grumblings of promotion in our lives, and in that way man’s extremity is often God’s opportunity. The question then becomes, what is our response in the delay? God has purpose in delays. Delay grows and increases our faith; a process that often involves pain and challenges. Delays can also provide the greater growth necessary to bring the Father glory. In the same way that Jesus called Lazarus out of the grave, He too calls us to roll the stone away and come to Him. Jesus is calling us up and out of the grave.

Get Up and Walk | Part Eight | Luke Isaacson | 04.10.22

April 10, 2022 • Luke Isaacson • John 10:7–18

This week, Pastor Luke continued on with our “Get up and walk” series with a sermon out of John 10: 7-18. The theme of this passage is that Jesus is our shepherd. The job of a shepherd is to provide security, peace, guidance, and safety for their flock, which is exactly what a life following Jesus leads us into. He is the gate, and He leads us into the life and life to the full that is spoken of in John 10:10. Understanding that Jesus is our shepherd also means understanding that we have an adversary, who is described within this passage as both a wolf and a thief. Our adversary is powerful but our shepherd is always victorious. We can not be destroyed by the world, and we are protected and guided into good places under our shepherd’s care. “It is not your hold of Christ that saves you, but His hold of you.” ― C H Spurgeon When we give our lives to Jesus, He first secures our eternal life, then transforms our internal life, which changes our external lives. We as humans are somewhat like sheep; we have sheep tendencies. We gorge ourselves, we follow leaders no matter who they are, and we fall into various pits. Pastor Luke shared four of these great dangers for humanity: 1. Pits These are areas of destruction and sin that trap us such as addictions and temptations. Everyone has different pits, but we all have them. 2. People We are often the sum of the closest people around us, and so we have to be very careful to surround ourselves with those who point us to Jesus and righteousness. 3. Perspectives Sometimes our perspectives on life can lead us into danger. We serve a God of life and life to the full, and we need to make sure that we live and speak out of transformed and sanctified perspectives. 4. Personality We can not blame or hide behind our personality, refusing to change or be changed. It can not be used as an excuse not to engage in the Kingdom of God, or follow the shepherd’s leading. These four P’s are not only dangers, they are also doors, and we have to be diligent and careful not to walk through them. However, we are never too far gone that we can not return to and follow Him. The good shepherd leads His sheep into good places, and we are never beyond returning to Him.

Get Up and Walk | Part Seven | Matthew Anderson | 04.03.22

April 3, 2022 • Pastor Matthew • John 10

This week, Pastor Matthew continued on with our “Get up and walk” sermon series with a message out of John 10: 22-30. The big idea of his message was that we are God's sheep. He expanded on this idea with seven primary points: His sheep believe He’s the Messiah. His sheep believe His works. Jesus’s works confirmed who He was, and we see this thred all throughout John’s narrative. Similarly, His sheep notice the works that Jesus continues doing today. On the alternative side, people both now and then look for and find reasons not to believe in His works. Works alone will not convince all people of His divinity, but they are recognized by His sheep. 3. His sheep hear His voice. God wants us to hear Him more than we want to hear Him. We were made and designed to hear His voice. We grow in the Lord by responding to and obeying what we hear from Him. This obedience sometimes results in rejection, but that only aligns us with Jesus. How do we hear from God? We make Him Lord, spend time with Him, respond in obedience, and repeat that process. 4. His sheep are known by Him. We are called into a relationship with God; to know Him and be known by Him. Of course, He knows everything already – but He still desires to be invited in. 5. His sheep follow Him. 6. His sheep have eternal life NOW. 7. His sheep cannot be taken from Him.