Ignite the Boiler Room | Week 3 | Brandon Seibert | 10/16/22

October 16, 2022 • Brandon Seibert

"To wrap up our Ignite the Boiler Room series, guest speaker Brandon Seibert shared with us why the Antioch Movement is using this "Ignite the Boiler Room" phrase and what it means to be a house of prayer for all nations. A word that Jimmy Seibert, a leader in the Antioch Movement, had that started this concept was that we were to be like the Queen Mary. It was a cruise ship that was conscripted to become a warship during World War Two. It was special because it had very powerful boiler rooms, which helped the ship move so quickly that it would out-run German boats. The church is not called to be a comfortable cruise liner, but a warship or a troop carrier. The power of the church comes from the place of worship, prayer, and intercession. The power and strength we have is directly correlated to our boiler room. We can’t do more than what we are praying for. He has called us to partner with him through prayer and intercession.

In Isaiah 56:6-7, God is calling and reminding Israel who they are. Our names have meaning. God has a name for his people. God wants to dwell in our midst and to find a resting place in our community. He describes it as a house of prayer in Isaiah 56. Prayer is simply relating to God. This can happen as an individual, in a small group, in a church, or in a community! Being a house of prayer is relating to God, together. A house of prayer has an element of not only relating to God together, but also living life together that lives missionally. We are on a constant journey as a community, ministering, loving, honoring, and serving God. In verse seven, it also talks about sustaining joy in the house of prayer. When we make each meeting about Jesus, we find joy."