1 Corinthians | Week Thirteen | Chapter 16

1 Corinthians Series

April 11, 2021 • Tyler Schenzel

This week Tyler Schenzel finished up our 1 Corinthians series with Chapter 16.

Paul talks about four distinct topics within this short chapter; money, his travel plans, standing firm in the faith and his final greetings.

Tyler spoke about the various things that get in the way of living on mission such as our jobs, relationships, phones, hobbies and desire for comfort amongst others. We need to become people who live on mission; taking control of our schedules before they take control of us. Tyler encouraged us to hear from the Lord and walk through the wide door of effective work that is open for us.

Just as Paul urges the Corinthians, we must stand firm in the faith, putting on the full armor of God and displaying the fruits of the Spirit in every area of our lives.