Faith That Perseveres

June 4, 2023 • Dave McClung • James 1:1–18

Trials and temptations are both inevitable. God desires to deepen our faith through both. Knowing God is sovereign over our trials helps us grow in His likeness, trust Him for wisdom, depend on Him for provision, and live in His blessings. Understanding the origin of sin helps us to overcome its deception that leads to death. Growing through trials and overcoming sin helps us to experience Him and His salvation and goodness.

Faith That Prays

August 6, 2023 • Dave McClung • James 5:13–20

Our faith grows, and joy increases during suffering as we turn to God in prayer and praise. James instructs the church to pray with the elders. The literal and symbolic oil represents setting someone apart through prayer for special attention and care before God Who alone can heal. Not only should the elders pray for people, but so should the whole church because God answers prayer! He answered prayers for Elijah, and He’ll do it for us! Believers should pray for and help return those who wander and waiver in their faith back to God Who forgives and restores. 

Faith That Lasts

July 30, 2023 • Dave McClung • James 5:7–12

Our faith is tested and strengthened in suffering. God desires believers to grow in patience. Like a farmer we are to wait on the harvest of fruit that comes from the seeds of patience. We must allow the Lord to change our hearts and we must refrain from grumbling to be found faithful by the Lord, the coming Judge. We should be unwavering like the prophets and steadfast like Job . Again (and above all), our speech reflects trustworthiness in persevering faith. 

Faith That Is Humble

July 23, 2023 • Dave McClung • James 4:11—5:6

God opposes the proud and gives grace to the humble. Pride manifests in various forms. It could be slander, boasting, or hoarding. Slander dishonors God and disheartens others. In contrast, Godly speech praises God and encourages others. Boasting about our future (short and long-term) by neglecting to ask God’s will is arrogant, foolish, and evil. Hoarding the resources God has placed in our lives is also prideful. We will be judged by God for how we have used what He has entrusted us. The things of this world are wasting away, but they can be invested for eternal purposes in His Kingdom.