Longing For Home

June 2, 2024 • Spencer McCorkel • 1 Peter 1:1–12

All followers of Jesus are living as exiles in a foreign land. Much like our ancestors, we are anxiously awaiting our arrival to the promised land. While we journey to Jesus, we should “... be truly glad. There is wonderful joy ahead, even though you must endure many trials for a little while.” The suffering and trials we endure here are only for a moment.

New Blood Lines

June 16, 2024 • Stephen Harrison • 1 Peter 2:4–12

Peter takes the promise given to Abraham and makes it about the Kingdom. Boundary lines and blood lines now flow through Jesus. And for all who have been brought into the family through the blood of Jesus, they now have all the rights of the family of God. Now, because we have been brought into the house of God as figurative stones that make up a spiritual temple, it matters how we live among outsiders. When they look at us, they should see Christ. Not only are we stones that make up the temple, we are a “royal priesthood, a chosen nation, God’s very own possession” all words that show our value to God, and the responsibility we now have to represent Christ to a lost world. 

Living While Here

June 9, 2024 • Stephen Harrison • 1 Peter 1:13—2:3

Because we have a new life and new hope in Christ, it is meant to change everything about us. It should affect our daily living while we live on this earth as temporary residents. Peter makes a point to say that while we are temporarily here, our lives are eternal, because the Word of God is in us and has changed us. The Word of God remains forever. Not only does Peter tell us what we should partake in, he exhorts us to abstain from any type of evil behavior.