Understanding the Crisis in Ukraine

March 15, 2022

In response to the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, Kenilworth Union’s Adult Education committee is offering an event on Monday, March 14 at 7 p.m.: “Understanding the Crisis in Ukraine.” Join us in the Culbertson Room or livestream to hear from three speakers:
Kenilworth Union member Jennifer Bishop-Jenkins will share a brief history of Ukraine. A history teacher who studied in Ukraine in college, Jennifer has a vast knowledge of Russia and Ukraine

Kateryna Biloshapka, a friend of Jennifer’s, is a Ukrainian student who came here to live in the Chicago area years ago. Kateryna, grateful for the opportunity to speak Monday evening said, “My mother and grandmother are trapped in Nikolaev, Ukraine unable to leave as they are surrounded by Russian troops. My mother wants people to know the horrible things happening in my country.”

Church member Hilary Scott, board chair for the UNICEF USA Midwest Region, will present UNICEF’s response to the humanitarian crisis.

For those of you looking for ways to support the important humanitarian relief efforts arising from the Ukraine conflict, please consider donating to UNICEF. As you may know, Kenilworth Union Church has a longstanding relationship with UNICEF highlighted last summer in Christine Hides’s July 18 sermon. To donate directly to Kenilworth Union’s UNICEF fundraising page, follow the link below.

RJC Event Night: Ben Austen and Johnnie Veal

May 23, 2023

Ben Austen will use the contents of two of his books: “High-Risers” (available now at The Book Stall) and “Correction” (release date November 7, 2023) in the discussion. Together Ben Austen and Johnnie Veal will discuss Cabrini-Green, mass incarceration, the American prison system, and the possibility of change.

Understanding and Supporting Our Teen's Mental Health

February 27, 2023

Renee Dominguez, PhD, ED of Family Service Center Peggy Kubert, Erika’s Lighthouse Kim Hassenfeld, LCSW, Counseling Center of the North Shore Andy Duran, Chief Executive of LEAD Sarah Russell Hill, Midwest Counseling & Diagnostics The Alison Tobey Smart Memorial Fund hosted a group of teen mental health experts to discuss key challenges facing our youth today, from anxiety and depression to eating disorders and self-harm to alcohol and drug abuse. We are thrilled to bring the expertise of five local experts to provide parents the latest in trends, approaches, and actions you can take to help your teen navigate these difficult times. The experts provided an overview of each challenge—anxiety/depression, trauma/grief/loss, substance abuse, and eating disorders/self-harm—including what to look out for, alternate means of addressing, and where to go for help.

Fireside Chat with Tom Cole and Bill Evertsberg

January 9, 2023 • Thomas A. Cole, William A. Evertsberg

Monday, January 9 at *5 p.m. in the Culbertson Room and https://kuc.org/home/watch/ Bill Evertsberg and long-time Kenilworth Union Church member Tom Cole will engage in a “fireside chat” to discuss Tom’s book Collaborative Crisis Management: Prepare, Execute, Recover, Repeat. The book, written with co-author Paul Verbinnen (a leading crisis communications consultant), was published by the University of Chicago Press in September 2022. Reviewers have called their book “an invaluable resource”, “a master class” and “a classic”. Among the topics to be covered will be how adherence to Christian values help leaders of organizations prepare for and manage crises. *The odd time avoids the NCAA Football Championship at 6:30 p.m. and the Stephen Minister training at 7 p.m. We hope to see you there!