Jesus' Grandmothers, V: Mary


February 11, 2024 • Katie Lancaster • Luke 2:41–52

A sermon series on Jesus’ grandmothers, and yet Mary is no grandmother. No. She is Theotokos. Bearer of God. Hagia Maria. Saint Mary. Panagia. Most Holy. Purissima. Most Pure. Our Lady of Tenderness. She Who Shows the Way. Throne of Wisdom. Mater Dolorosa, Mother of Sorrows. Her’s is a much more direct lineage to Jesus, the only one whose DNA courses through his veins. From that long pregnant walk to Bethlehem to her place at the foot of the cross, she is a woman of deepest joy and most weighty sorrow. She is not a grandmother to Jesus, but Mary propels us back toward the grandmothers of Jesus all the while allowing their stories to speak into his family tree, showing us again Mary’s place in this most holy pedigree.

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