God After... III: God After Copernicus

God After...

June 9, 2024 • Christine V. Hides • Psalm 8

Psalm 8 is a poem that sings of a relationship with God in which humility and inquiry go hand in hand. Yes, we are lower than God but, also given responsibility for things here on earth. We are given the gift of reason that enables us to ask the question that echoes through history: “What is humanity’s place in the universe?”


In the sixteenth century the church said “earth” and therefore humanity is at the center. Don’t you see the sun rising, moving across the sky, and setting each day? Nicolaus Copernicus was a priest who outlined a heliocentric theory of the universe in 1515. Though he was not the first to propose a sun-centered astronomical system, he developed mathematical techniques that made it substantially equivalent to the geocentric model that dated back to Aristotle. Perhaps because he was still working out the math, or perhaps because he feared the church’s response, he delayed publication of his book On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres until 1543, which happens to be the year of his death.

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