You Have Heard...

Matthew 5:21-48

Love Your Enemies

June 5, 2022 • Jonathan Knighton • Matthew 5:43–48

Loving our enemies is a central idea to the Kingdom of heaven ethic that Jesus calls his followers into. How do we do it, though? What does it look like to be living, walking, breathing examples of God’s grace and love?

Is Getting Even Right?

May 29, 2022 • Sean Gasperetti • Matthew 5:38–42

The question we're aiming to answer this week: "When someone wrongs you, do have the right to get even?" When a conflict goes too far, when someone crosses a boundary or pushes your buttons, when you feel insulted by another person - do you have the right to get even? Let's see what Jesus has to say in Matthew 5:38-42.

Tell The Truth

May 22, 2022 • Sean Gasperetti • Matthew 5:33–37

In our culture, we have a massive shortage of truth-tellers. We crave honesty and are desperate for the truth. Unfortunately, honest people are honestly hard to come by. How can we, as Christians, be people of integrity, people who speak the truth? Let's learn from the words of Jesus in Matthew 5:33-37.

Lust, Divorce, and Redemption

May 15, 2022 • Sean Gasperetti • Matthew 5:27–32

Conquering sin in our lives is challenging. Lust is a snare. Divorce is devastating. These aren't easy issues to deal with. However, the consequences of allowing sin to persist are worse for us and for those involved. How do we bring our sin into the light and flee from it as we run towards Jesus?

Murder Begins in the Heart

May 1, 2022 • Sean Gasperetti • Matthew 5:21–26

This week, we begin a new series “You Have Heard…”, looking at 6 instances where Jesus uses the phrase: “You have heard it said…but I tell you…”Jesus frequently challenges his audience’s understanding of Scripture when he says this. It doesn’t mean he is contradicting Scripture, it’s that he’s bringing clarity to what the people have misunderstood about it. Secondly, his audience often limited Old Testament commandments to external actions, not inward righteousness. Jesus reveals the true intention of the law - God does not look just on the outside of the man, but at the heart. In Matthew 5, Jesus uses this phrase “You have heard it said” for the first time, and he begins by addressing the topic of murder. The question becomes, “Can I be considered a good person if I’m not a murderer?”