All Is Bright

A series about the arrival of Jesus


December 19, 2021 • Stephen Marti

This week, we wrap up our final week of Advent focusing in on the theme of love. Loving God and loving others as you love yourself is the point of life with God.


December 12, 2021 • Sean Gasperetti

Joy cannot be separated from the arrival of Christ and what it means for humanity. If you’ve been lacking joy in your life, perhaps it’s because you’ve lost sight of the God who embodies it. Perhaps it’s time you make room for King Jesus to reintroduce you to the joy that’s found only in him.


December 5, 2021 • Stephen Marti

Peace is something everyone is fighting for, but few seem to be experiencing. Thankfully, peace is possible because one called “The Prince of Peace” arrived on this earth 2000 years ago.


November 28, 2021 • Sean Gasperetti • Psalm 130

Advent is a season where we anticipate the arrival of Jesus. As we prepare our hearts and create space for Jesus, this week, we focus on the first theme of Advent: hope. Hope isn’t focused on our circumstances - in fact, it’s often what allows us to thrive in the face of unwelcome circumstances. Biblical hope says “I was a slave to sin, but God set me free. Therefore, rather than trusting in other gods, in other people, or in myself, I will trust in him.”