
Reengage the Journey of Following Jesus

Disciples Grow Into Maturity

May 21, 2023 • Sean Gasperetti

Growing is inevitable for the disciple who is abiding in Christ. As we grow, we see the results of Christ-likeness, stability, strength, and participation in the Body of Christ. Jim Putnam gives five stages of spiritual growth in his book, "Discipleshift," that helps us evaluate where we are and how we can growth further.

Portable Discipleship

May 7, 2023 • Sean Gasperetti

If we want to grow, we've got to see faith as something that goes with us everywhere, not just during those few thousand hours on Sundays that span over the course of our lifetimes. In this message, we explore a few seemingly obvious, but incredibly specific tools God has given us to take our discipleship on the road with us, day in and day out.

Story of Discipleship // Robert Montgomery

April 30, 2023 • Robert Montgomery • Philippians 1:9

For this third week of "Discipleshift," we heard Robert Montgomery's personal testimony about how discipleship shaped his life and drew him closer to God.

Disciples in Every Area of Life

April 23, 2023 • Sean Gasperetti • Matthew 4:18–20, Matthew 19:16–22

The general call of a disciple is good - it’s often the initial step someone takes when they surrender their lives to Jesus and get excited about his mission. But it cannot stop there. Jesus invites us to follow him completely, which means every area of our lives needs to be discipled.

Defining Discipleship

April 16, 2023 • Sean Gasperetti • Matthew 4:18–22

We live in a time where it’s become too easy to simply go to church without having a conviction to BE the Church. The U.S. Christian Church has tried to hard to compete with culture rather than impacting culture. Whether it’s trying too hard to be entertaining, or bending our theology to be more inclusive - the cost of discipleship has virtually been forgotten. Where are we headed? Who are we becoming? What should we be doing? What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus?