Big Family

A Guest Speaker Series

Neighboring Well

August 28, 2022 • Mario White • Matthew 9:35–38

When we look at the life of Jesus, we see he took time to notice people, he saw them, he paid attention, and he had compassion. How might you slow down enough to notice people God has placed before you and to genuinely listen to them?

Secret Identity

August 21, 2022 • Aaron James • Hebrews 12:1–2

Our primary identity is - child of God, and yet, many of us are living with secret identities, cultivated out of shame. In order to run the race well, we need to remember who we are and find freedom in Christ who despised shame.

The Heart of Discipleship

August 14, 2022 • Dan Challapalli • Matthew 28:18–20, Luke 14:25–33

Discipleship is a committed journey of following Jesus as a student, by the leading of the Holy Spirit, in the company of other disciples, with the goal of progressing towards maturity and multiplication.

A Big, Multicultural Family

August 7, 2022 • Robert Montgomery • Ephesians 1—2

God the Father is beautifully remaking His broken creation! This new creation, this new work of art, this new community of believers is both Jew and Gentile - it's a big, multicultural family.