Geneaology of Jesus

Prepare The Way

February 26, 2023 • Sean Gasperetti • Matthew 1:1–17

Matthew is a book about some very good news. Matthew's purpose in writing this Gospel is to give an account for the good news about Jesus Christ - how he came to earth, what he did, what he said, and what he accomplished through his death and resurrection. To do that, Matthew had to set us up with the Genealogy of Jesus.


April 2, 2023 • Sean Gasperetti • Matthew 4:1–11

Temptation: the conflict between short-term urges and long-term ideals. Short term, we can pursue self-gratification, self-security, and self-exaltation - but all of those things fall short. We cannot ultimately satisfy these things in ourselves, but we have a savior who denied what felt good for what would produce good. We have a Savior who denied his personal security to ensure we could have it eternally. We have a Savior who did not shortcut his purpose to avoid the cross, rather endured the cross so we could be freed to discover our true purpose - to glorify God and enjoy him forever.

Jesus' Baptism

March 26, 2023 • Sean Gasperetti • Matthew 3:13–17

Baptism is a demonstration of a work that God is doing in someone's heart. Something is happening internally, and baptism paints a beautiful picture of what that is externally. In other words, it's public identification with Christ and the family of God. Today we explore what we can learn from Jesus' baptism as we recall our own or consider being baptized for the first time.

A Call To Life Change

March 19, 2023 • Sean Gasperetti • Matthew 3:1–12

From time to time, passionate voices who call for change rise to the surface and make an impact. In Matthew 3, we see this very quality in a man named John the Baptist. Much like Jesus Christ, who was actually his relative through their respective mother's, John's ministry ushered in an entirely new day in redemptive history. As part of this new day, John called people to start over in their lives and make some significant changes.