Jesus Sends

Big Gospel

November 21, 2021 • Sean Gasperetti

God isn’t looking for puppets, he’s looking for partners. The good news is that we’re not called to invent the work. God’s already doing it. He’s already got a mission. Our job is to be on God’s team.

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Jesus Satisfies

November 14, 2021 • Sean Gasperetti

Following Jesus isn’t just your ticket to Heaven and means to true change. Knowing him and being known by him is the most satisfying thing in the universe, because his steadfast love is better than life itself.

Jesus Sanctifies

November 7, 2021 • Stephen Marti

Can people really change? Your answer to that question has more implications than you think. The very good news is that Jesus brings change into our lives — so we should know how He does it, and how to be all-in with the process.

Jesus Sustains

October 31, 2021 • Brian McCormack

What if Jesus is more committed to you than you are to him? If he really is a good shepherd who never loses sheep, you can rest in his love for you — regardless of the darkness you're walking through.