People of Patience

James 5:7-8

August 22, 2021 • James 5:7–8

More from Draw Near.

Enduring Through Suffering

September 5, 2021 • Sean Gasperetti • James 5:10–11

How Complaining Damages The Church

August 29, 2021 • Sean Gasperetti, Stephen Marti • James 5:9

Complaining is generally unhelpful, but it's especially toxic when it's Christians complaining about one another. Why? Pastors Sean and Stephen unpack the implications of James 5:9, revealing how the way we communicate about one another directly impacts the family - a reality Jesus will hold us accountable to.

The Corrosive Nature of Wealth

August 15, 2021 • Sean Gasperetti • James 5:1–6

Wealth is temporary and fading. Monetary injustice is evil. Self-indulgence leads to ruin. So, what’s the anecdote for a heart that’s consumed with wealth? Generosity.