Jesus Still Heals

The Kingdom Is Upon Us

September 3, 2023 • Sean Gasperetti • Matthew 8:1–17

In a world filled with suffering, we're invited to come humbly before Jesus, trusting in His power and wisdom. Sometimes healing comes immediately, sometimes it doesn't, but in all cases, we're met with His compassion and, ultimately, the promise of healing that is ours when we meet Him in glory.

Harvest is Plentiful, Workers are Few

November 12, 2023 • Andrew Adams • Matthew 9:35–38

Defeating Darkness: Jesus' Authority Over Demons

November 5, 2023 • Sean Gasperetti • Matthew 9:32–34

Faith Finds Jesus

October 29, 2023 • Andrew Adams • Matthew 9:18–31

This week Pastor Andrew teaches through Matthew 9:18-29. We'll examine the stories of desperate individuals, like the bleeding woman, blind men, and a synagogue leader, who approached Jesus in their time of need. What can their experiences teach us about faith? How do we nurture our faith in the face of life's challenges? Listen in for a deep dive into these questions and more in this teaching on faith, trust, and the enigmatic ways of Jesus.