Eyes On The Prize

2 Timothy 4:1-8

June 9, 2019 • Jonathan Rainey

Our friend, Jonathan Rainey brought a relevant and timely message to our family of churches about the kind of church the greater Seattle area needs. Jonathan's powerful simplicity should encourage and equip you to join God on His mission in our city.

Adopted Into God's Family

May 14, 2023 • Sean Gasperetti • Ephesians 1:3–6

Our identity matters, and how we live from that identity moving forward has the potential to change everything about our stories. Imagine living out of the knowledge that God, the one who is worthy of all praise, opened up heaven, blessed us, set his sights on humanity, and acted in love by adopting us. How would you live differently?

Faith in God

January 10, 2021 • Curtis Hall

This week, we had the honor of hearing from Curtis Hall who serves on the leadership team at Mercy Fellowship in Marysville. He shared on the topic of faith and how it can change our lives. When we believe the promises God has made to us, it changes how we live in our present circumstances.


January 3, 2021 • Sean Gasperetti

This week, Pastor Sean set the tone for the new year by taking us through the three temptations of Jesus - how he was tempted, how he responded, and how we can learn from him as we endeavor to stand firm heading into 2021.