Jesus Centered Authority

John 5:19-29

January 27, 2019 • Sean Gasperetti

Who has authority in your life? Are there voices that shouldn’t? What if Jesus is asking you to trust that his authority is what you actually need?

When Jesus Isn't The Center

February 17, 2019 • Sean Gasperetti

This series has been one of asking the question, “Is Jesus at the center of my life?” The logical follow-up question is, "What happens if He’s not?" What would the consequences be?

Jesus Centered Witnesses

February 3, 2019 • Sean Gasperetti

If the things Jesus say about Himself are reliable, then we too can live lives that speak reliably about Him.

Jesus Centered Sabbath

January 20, 2019 • Sean Gasperetti

We all desperately desire rest. Chances are, you’re not getting the kind of rest you need. Fortunately, God has a method that, should we take it seriously, could change our lives entirely.