PROVERBS (Part 2) | Follies of Foolishness

Summer 2022

PROVERBS | Series Schedule

Part 7: Wrath

September 18, 2022 • Pastor Rob Mayer • Proverbs 20:22

Everyone is born with an innate sense of justice because we’re all gloriously made in the image and likeness of God – WHO IS JUST! But the truth is we all want the offender to get what is coming to him because we all desire for JUSTICE to be served. Now this is good, but when we choose to accomplish this ourselves it’s condemnable wrath. The good news is that Jesus took our wrath along with every other condemnable sin when He absorbed the perfect just wrath of God on His cross at Calvary. Which means we can trust that every injustice will be set right in God’s timing when Jesus returns and as a result can let go and be delivered from the unbearable burden of wrath by the grace of God.

Part 6: Laziness

September 11, 2022 • Pastor Rob Mayer • Proverbs 24:30–34

The dictionary definition of laziness is the quality of being unwilling to work or use energy. It’s idleness, apathy, indifference or complacency. This means that laziness might be bigger than most people think at first and therefore could possibly expand to who is a sluggard. Laziness is a lack of productivity, but also excessive productivity in the wrong direction!

Part 5: Pride

September 4, 2022 • Pastor Luke Wilbanks • Proverbs 16:18–20

Pride is the most deceitful, dangerous and deadly sin. God promises to crush it wherever He finds it. Jesus took our pride upon Himself on the cross, where he was crushed in our place. Through His humble obedience He defeated Pride and gives us His humility to be accepted by ther Father.

Part 4: Lust

August 28, 2022 • Pastor Kyle Rogers • Proverbs 23:26–28

The world will tell us that we can define sexuality on our own terms and serves us the narrative that sex exists solely for the purpose of making us feel good. This caters to the sinful desire of lust in each of us and teaches us to dishonor image bearers and disregard God in the process. Thankfully, our God provides a remedy for our lust and a way for us to honor Him with our sexuality! Join this conversation with us as we experience freedom in Christ and teach the next generation about the goodness of our God as it relates to this important topic!

Part 3: Greed

August 21, 2022 • Pastor Kyle Rogers • Proverbs 11:24–28

When we think about greed we might envision a money hungry executive or plotting bank robber but biblical greed isn’t that simple. Greed is both the love of money and the trust in money, the belief that money will make you happy and the use of money to get what you want. The problem with greed is not that we worship money but that we worship what money will give us and Jesus wants to redeem our idolaltrous relationship with the good news of His gospel and a relationship with Him!

Part 2: Gluttony

August 14, 2022 • Trevor Ice • Proverbs 23:19–21

The way of the wise aligns our heart to Jesus and gives us full satisfaction. The way of self leads to overindulgence that suffocates our satisfaction and leads us to despair. The gospel frees us to direct our hearts to the way of Jesus.

Part 1: Envy

August 7, 2022 • Pastor Rob Mayer • Proverbs 14:30

Envy is the byproduct of discontentedness. And when we envy, we make clear our lack of faith in the gospel! Trusting and following Jesus – Believing the gospel – living life according to the Scriptures, following the Holy Sprit in your daily living, will lead you into a life satisfaction, purpose, meaning, value and worth. And this is what the book of proverbs is all about. Read Proverbs 14:30. It’s the gospel!