
Better Than Sacrifice

March 8, 2020 • Pastor Jay

How can we best worship God and honor Him? In life we can do a lot of things, even right actions, but if our heart isn't right they are meaningless. Learn how we must address issues of the heart, deal with sin and true repentance to start enjoying the life that God has for us.

Rejoicing through negative circumstances

March 15, 2020 • Pastor Jay Caron

Learn how you can keep you head up even in the midst of negative circumstances. Life can be full of hills and valleys learn how in Christ you can ride the waves in His love, mercy, peace and strength!

The real power of the gospel

Join us as we examine the power of the gospel in "the cross." In days past just as in today's society it may not be a popular subject to proclaim, but without it the gospel has no power. Gain a fresh perspective on the passion that Christ had and provided thru the full work of the cross.

The Transformed Mind

February 16, 2020 • Pastor Jay Caron

You have heard of the expression you are what you http://eat....well according to the bible that can be true in many ways concerning our mind and our thought life. Where do thoughts come from? How do I become more like Jesus? How can I think more like Him and see things the way He does? Listen to this message to dig into the bible and find these answers and more. Also learn about a church wide resource called Right Now Media we are providing to the church and all its members to help renew our minds!