
Micah: When Preachers Lie

July 28, 2024 • Neil Montgomery • Micah 1:1–6, Micah 2:1–7, Micah 3:5–7, Deuteronomy 28:1–21, Romans 8:28

It's not unusual around Western North Carolina, to be driving down the road and come across a tree that has fallen. Have you ever wondered how that happened? A moment before the tree was standing straight and tall. Sometimes a storm will be strong enough to blow a tree over but even then, most trees have a strong trunk, and a deep root system enabling them to weather even the toughest storms. A tree never just simply "falls over." 

What you don't see on the outside is happening on the inside. A tree has a root base that has been rotting. That root is the life of the tree and hence the tree itself is rotting. Left unchecked, the tree eventually falls to the ground. 

We live in a world that is all about "looking good on the outside." Yet, the message of Jesus, and all of the Bible, is that God works from the inside. When our inside is healthy, we are told that glorious fruit is the result. There is a peace about us. We have a genuine love for others. Our hope is not focused on this world. We enjoy blessings, but endure hardship, trusting that God is working in us as we persevere. The list goes on.

Suffice it to say, a life...a soul uncared for, is a soul that is rotting. It's only a matter of time before the impact becomes devastating in our lives. Join us this Sunday as we unpack the message from the Minor Prophet, Micah, and learn how to care for our souls that leads to living a life of impact.