
Know Him

A Christmas Devotion

Know Him (Days 19-24)

December 19, 2021 • Pastor Jeremy Dente • Luke 19—24

Day 19 – Luke 19 What does the example of Zacchaeus teach us about going after Jesus? How can the parable of the Ten Minas help you prepare for coming fullness of God’s kingdom? Why did Jesus weep over Jerusalem? What did the Jews miss out on that would lead to their destruction? What does Jesus’ cleansing of the temple in vv.45-46 teach us about how we should keep certain things sacred? What are those things in your life that should be kept sacred? Day 20 – Luke 20 In parable of the Wicked Tenants, who does the owner of the vineyard represent? Who are the tenants? Who is the son of the owner? What lesson can we learn from this parable? In vv. 19-26, how does Jesus’ teaching on paying taxes relate to our own personal relationship with God (Hint: v.25)? Why do you think Jesus’ teaching on the resurrection in vv.27-40 marveled the Sadducees? What does it mean that Jesus is the “Son of David”, if David himself calls him Lord as in v.43? Day 21 – Luke 21 Why did Jesus high light the widow’s offering? How can this encourage our giving today? What are the signs of the beginning of the end? How might some of these things be playing out right now? What is the point of Jesus foretelling of all these future events in this chapter? What should be our response while we wait for the second coming of Christ (HINT: vv.34-36)? Day 22 – Luke 22 Why is not just a coincidence that the events leading up to Jesus’ arrest and death happened on the day of Unleavened Bread? What is the significance of the Passover meal that relates so powerfully to this? What do the cup and the bread represent in the Lord’s Supper? According to vv.24-30, who is the greatest in the kingdom of God? And what is their reward? What did Jesus say to the priests and scribes that solidified their resolve to punish him? (HINT: vv.66-71) Day 23 – Luke 23 Why do you think Pontius Pilate was so reluctant to find fault with Jesus and punish him? What did Jesus mean in vv.28-31 when he warned those who were lamenting and crying over his impending death? How can Jesus’ words in v.34 affect your disposition towards others who have wronged you? What does Jesus’ interaction with the criminal on the cross beside him teach us about the grace and forgiveness of God? Day 24 – Luke 24 What do vv.1-2 tell us about the mindsets of Jesus’ followers? What were their expectations? How does this give us insight into their eventual reactions to Jesus’ resurrection? Why is it significant that women were the first eyewitnesses of the Resurrection? How does this help the case of the validity of the Resurrection? How does Jesus correct the misunderstanding of the two disciples on the road to Emmaus? What does this imply about the importance of knowing the whole story of the Bible? How did Jesus himself prove in vv.36-47 that he actually rose from the dead? What did he need to teach them in order to prepare them for their future mission? Who and what are being referred to in vv.48-49?

Know Him (Days 13-18)

December 13, 2021 • Pastor Jeremy Dente • Luke 13—18

Day 13 – Luke 13 What do the fig tree, the vinedresser, and manure represent in vv. 6-9 of Chapter 13? What do the mustard seed and the leaven tell us about the Kingdom of God in vv.18-20 Chapter 13? Why do you think the door to enter heaven is narrow? What does that imply about most people we know? How should we respond to that? Why did Jesus lament over Jerusalem? How might that relate to our current culture in the west? Day 14 – Luke 14 Why didn’t the Pharisees and lawyers answer Jesus in 14:4? How do we typically exalt ourselves in our daily lives? How might we be able to humble ourselves? What are some of the excuses we might make for why we’re not obeying God and following his commands? What has it cost you to follow Jesus? What are the sacrifices you are currently making to be a more devoted follower of Jesus? Day 15 – Luke 15 What was the reason Jesus told the three parables? Why were the people so offended by what Jesus was doing? What is the general theme of the three parables? What ultimately causes joy in heaven? When the prodigal son spent all his money and famine came to the area, why didn’t he go back to his father right then? What kept him away? What keeps you from running back to God right away? What does the father’s reaction to his son coming home tell us about God’s character and heart towards us? Day 16 – Luke 16 What seemingly small tasks do you disregard as unimportant? How might this prevent you from enjoying further blessings of God? What are the primary things that get in between you and your relationship with God? What is it about money that can be so destructive in our lives, especially in our relationships with God and other people? Day 17 – Luke 17 What is the difference between saying “I’m sorry” and “I repent”? Which shows a heart that is truly sorrowful about sin? Why didn’t Jesus increase the faith of the apostles in vv.5-6 like they had asked? What was Jesus’ point in vv.7-10? How might this relate to our relationship with God? In vv.20-37, what is meant by the “days of the Son of Man? What are some of the signs and characteristics of when that day will come? How can we begin now to prepare for that day? Day 18 – Luke 18 What lesson about prayer can we learn from the parable of the widow in vv.1-8? Who showed the preferred posture of prayer, the tax collector or the Pharisee? Why do think they prayed the ways in which they prayed? How are we supposed to receive the kingdom of God like a child? What was the lesson about salvation that the rich ruler struggled to learn in vv.18-25? Thinking about your own life, what would be that one thing that might make it difficult for you to fully and completely follow Jesus?

Know Him (Days 7-12)

December 7, 2021 • Pastor Jeremy Dente • Luke 7—12

Day 7 – Luke 7 What was it about the centurion’s words and attitude that marveled Jesus? How was this different than the elders whom he sent to Jesus? What does this say about the quality of our own faith? Reading vv. 18-19, why do you think John the Baptist still doubted Jesus? How does Jesus’ response to John the Baptist’s doubt in vv. 26-28 encourage you in your times of doubt? After reading vv. 41-50, how should God’s forgiveness of your sins affect your faith in Jesus? Day 8 – Luke 8 In the parable of the sower, which category listed in vv. 12-14 have you seen as the biggest struggle for people? Gospel conversations and gospel ministry are ways in which we shine the light of Christ. In what ways can you engage in both of these to shed light on the truth of God and his word? What was the evidence of the Gerasene man’s salvation in vv. 26-39? What is the evidence of your salvation? What is the source of healing that Jesus proclaims in v. 48 and 50? What does this say about where we place our faith – in the blessing, or in the one who blesses? Day 9 – Luke 9 Why did Jesus tell his disciples not to take anything with them as they went out to proclaim the kingdom of God? What do vv. 10-17 say about Jesus as Jehovah Jireh? How have Jesus’ words in vv. 23-25 affected your life? What is the significance of Moses and Elijah appearing during Jesus’ transfiguration? (Hint: Matthew 22:36-40) What cost have you paid to follow Jesus? Day 10 – Luke 10 How does Jesus’ response to the 72 disciples in v.20 affect your perspective on the work of ministry compared to the purpose of ministry? How does Jesus’ words in vv. 22-24 make you feel? How does that affect the way you see God’s affections for you? According to the parable of the good Samaritan, who was the one who proved to be the Samaritan’s neighbor? In this way, to whom can you be a better neighbor, and how can you be a better neighbor? Day 11 – Luke 11 How are Jesus’ words in vv.5-13 similar to that of Matthew 7:7-11? How do they differ? What was the reason for Jesus’ warning to the crowds in vv. 29-32? How was Jesus comparing them to the people of Nineveh in Jonah’s day? How can this relate to our generation? How is your eye the lamp of your body, as Jesus said in v.33? How does the quality of your lamp end up affecting those around you? What were the woes that Jesus proclaimed over the Pharisees and lawyers? Can any of these apply to Christians today? Day 12 – Luke 12 What are some often unintentional, even subconscious ways we might deny Jesus on a daily basis? How can we better acknowledge him before others? Why was the rich man in Jesus’ parable in vv.16-21 a fool? Why does Jesus teach so much about money? What causes the most anxiety and stress in your life right now? How might this be connected to your trust, or lack thereof, in God? How can you be a ready servant of Jesus as described in vv.35-36? How can you specifically prepare for the second coming of Jesus Christ?

Know Him (Days 1-6)

December 1, 2021 • Pastor Jeremy Dente • Luke 1—6

Day 1 – Luke 1 Why did Luke write his gospel? How did he get his information? How was Zechariah’s response to the angel Gabriel different from Mary’s response? What can we learn from these two different responses? How did the angels Gabriel reassure Mary? (Hint: 1:37) What does this mean for your life? What is your favorite line from Mary’s song “The Magnificat”? From Zechariah’s prophesy? Why? Day 2 – Luke 2 Looking at 2:8-11, why do you think the angel of the Lord appeared to the shepherds? What significance will this play throughout Jesus’s ministry? Verse 14 can be translated a few different ways. The newer translations (which are using older manuscripts) include the words “…among those with whom he is pleased” at the end of the verse. What does this imply about who actually experiences the peace of God? What did Simeon say about Jesus in vv.29-32 that surprised and marveled Mary and Joseph? How do you think Mary and Joseph felt when they found Jesus teaching in the synagogue and Jesus responded as he did in v.49? Day 3 – Luke 3 How did John the Baptist prepare the way for Jesus? What was the theme of his message to the people (Hint: v.3,8)? How does John the Baptist’s commands in vv.10-14 keep in line with true repentance? Considering your own life, what do you need to repent of, and how will that be accomplished? How do you think those who were around when Jesus was baptized in v.21 reacted when they heard God’s voice from heaven? How has the revelation that Jesus is the son of God affected you and how you live your life? Day 4 – Luke 4 How did Jesus rebuke Satan while in the wilderness? What does this say about how we are to fight temptation and sin in our own lives? Why did the crowd turn from wonder and marvel to anger and wrath in vv.18-28? Why do you think Luke includes many stories of healings early on in Jesus’s ministry? What was it about Luke’s professional life that this would have spoken powerfully to him? How has Jesus proven himself to you in your own life? Day 5 – Luke 5 Why did Simon Peter tell Jesus to leave him alone? Has guilt and shame caused you to act similarly in your life? How has Jesus responded to you in those times of guilt and shame? What new purpose in life did Jesus give those first disciples, as described in v.10? Have you lived out this purpose? If so, how? If not, why not? What two acts on the part of Jesus in vv.17-26 truly amazed the crowd and gave them insight into who Jesus really was? What does the “old wine” and “new wine” represent in v.37? How does this parable explain what Jesus meant in v.32? Day 6 – Luke 6 What is the significance of Jesus’ statement in v.5? How do you think this affected the religious people of his day? The Beatitudes in vv.20-23 parallels with Matthew 5:3-12. Which of the Beatitudes encourages you the most? Which challenges you the most? Read vv. 27-36. What aspects of loving your enemies is so difficult? How can reflecting on how God loves you affect how you love others? What does it look like to “build your house on the rock”? In what ways have you built your house on the rock?