
Prepare Him Room: Spiritual Readiness and Formation

Week 3 Introduction

December 17, 2023 • Pastor Jeremy Dente • Luke 1:5–80

The Gospel of Luke offers us a unique look into the Christmas story by including a detailed account of the events leading up to the birth of the John the Baptist, the forerunner to Christ. These events in the life of John’s parents – Zechariah and Elizabeth – present some interesting insight that speaks powerfully into the life of the Christian still to this day.

From their devoted dedication to obeying God’s law, to the angelic visitation in the temple, to the eventual birth of the unexpected baby boy who’d they name John, Zechariah’s and Elizabeth’s story reveals to the reader a magnificent picture of spiritual preparation and maturation. God used time and unexpected experiences not only to magnify his providential care in the world, but to teach us the importance and value of faithful obedience in the face of overwhelming circumstances.

Maybe this devotion finds you approaching Christmas with hopeful expectation for what is to come. Or maybe you are struggling just to make it through each day as the thought of the future, in light of what happened in the past, only leaves a bitter taste in your mouth.

Wherever you are on that spectrum, we pray this week’s devotion from Luke 1:5-25, 57-80 encourages you and that the story of Luke 1 lifts your heart’s desire to prepare room in your life for greater intimacy with Jesus. In the words of an unsuspecting priest whose life would be forever changed through hopeful expectation, “Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, for he has visited and redeemed his people…” Luke 1:68. We pray this week and this Christmas season allows you to make the same proclamation in your own life!

Prepare Him Room: Living the Wonder of Christmas

December 29, 2023 • Pastor Jeremy Dente • Luke 1:47

Watching young children open their presents on Christmas morning can be so enjoyable and entertaining. But it can also be a powerful reminder of having the right perspective in life. When a child opens that present, they can be absolutely captivated by this new gift, and then, within mere moments, move on to the next gift, almost as if they forgot about the previous one. In light of all that this life and this world has to offer, we too can succumb to a similar posture in which we become more captivated by what’s new and shiny. But consider Mary’s response in her song “The Magnificat” in Luke 1. She exclaims “My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.” All that she knew and all that she was experiencing in that moment thoroughly convinced her to rejoice in God’s plan of salvation in her life. What could we ever experience in this life that could offer us a better reason to rejoice than in the fact that we are saved by the grace of God? God’s plan of salvation was formed and fixed long before we ever came into existence, and it will stand true no matter how much we might get in the way. Praise God for his faithfulness and willingness to save…let us rejoice and be glad! 

Prepare Him Room: Living the Wonder of Christmas

December 28, 2023 • Pastor Jeremy Dente • Luke 1:46

As we survey the many individual stories found within the overarching Christmas story, there is little more impressive and convicting and encouraging than that of Mary and her response to the angel Gabriel. Maybe second only to the incarnation of our Lord, Mary’s song of praise, commonly known as the “Magnificat”, has stood the test of time as one of the most beautiful hymns in all of Scripture. In the opening line of this timeless hymn, Mary sings, “My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.” What a worshipful proclamation of praise and thanksgiving in response to a miraculous turn events in the life of a young woman. But rather than focusing on herself, look at the perspective of young Mary. Her very soul – the essence of her being – magnifies God. She’s making much of God and his glory because she’s beginning to ponder and consider the providential and salvific love of God. This Christmas, we too have the opportunity to make much of Jesus. Whether through our worship, our service to others, our love, or a kind word, the very essence of our existence should remain resolute in magnifying the Lord while seeking his fame and glory! Let us magnify Christ this Christmas! 

Prepare Him Room: Living the Wonder of Christmas

December 27, 2023 • Katie Baatrup • Luke 1:39–45

Family time is truly a time to rejoice and cherish one another. Your family, whether that's mom and dad, or a friendly couple from church, can be some of the most important people to have around during the Christmas season. It is necessary to see how fellowship within family can help spread the power of the Holy Spirit. In Luke 1:39-45, Mary visits Elizabeth, which helps us understand the importance of family time. Verse 41 says, “When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the baby leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit.” Mary’s visit with Elizabeth was so rewarding that Elizabeth even felt the Lord as she was greeted by Mary. We too can spread a joyful greeting to our families as we visit them this time of year. Take this family time as an opportunity to share the power of the Holy Spirit. Elizabeth continues in verse 43, “But why am I so favored, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?” Imagine how family time must have felt for Elizabeth and Mary, having the ability to celebrate what the Lord blessed them with that year. Let this be a reminder of the beauty of family time and how those experiences can bring encouragement and celebration with others.