A Matter of Life and Death

MB North

A Matter of Life and Death | Part 7

April 21, 2019 • Steven Brumbeloe

Sometimes things don't make sense until you grasp the missing piece. Easter gives us the piece that many of us miss - the power in the resurrection and the hope that is always within our reach. What do you need to let go of in order experience God's resurrection power?

A Matter of Life and Death | Part 6

April 14, 2019 • Steven Brumbeloe

What keeps us from walking in the victory God calls us to, and how does God define victory? In this sixth installment of our "A Matter of Life and Death" series, we are reminded that we live our lives according to that which we worship - things like money, prestige, or simply "stuff". When we see Jesus as He is -- King of Kings and Lord of Lords -- and worship Him above all else, we are able to walk in the victory of Jesus, the most powerful victory of all!

A Matter of Life and Death | Part 5

April 7, 2019 • Matt Driggers

What is keeping you from the relationship you desire with Jesus? What are you allowing in your life that prevents you from seeing Him? Be a Zaccheus, and don't let anything get in your way!

A Matter of Life and Death | Part 4

March 31, 2019 • Steven Brumbeloe

By learning to be thankful for the gift of community, we also learn that everything we do or say affects those around us.

A Matter of Life and Death | Part 3

March 24, 2019 • Matt Driggers

Are you presenting your requests to God, or are you just worrying about things? If we turn to God in prayer and gratitude, living a life centered in His peace and focusing on our blessings, our physical and mental health will improve. We will then truly be living in faith.

A Matter of Life and Death | Part 2

March 17, 2019 • Kelly Brumbeloe

Resurrection hope begins when we accept the reality of our mortality and allow the brokenness of our hearts to be mended. We are able to live hopefully because we acknowledge the suffering and grief in the world.

A Matter of Life and Death l Part 1

March 10, 2019 • Steven Brumbeloe

God's desire for us is to live in His grace and to know that His mercy is always more than enough. His love is so abundant that we can trust Him with all of our transgressions, knowing that He loves us in all circumstances and that through His grace, we are saved.