Is God...? | Part 1

Is God Good?

February 18, 2018 • Jody Ray

If God is good, then why do bad things sometimes happen to good people? In the first sermon of the series, Pastor Jody Ray explores this question and discusses how God can take a bad situation and use it for something good.

More from Is God...?

Is God...? | Part 5

March 18, 2018 • Steven Brumbeloe

Have you been saved, but still find yourself longing for something more? Do you ever feel almost like there’s a wall keeping you from moving from your current reality to the life that you long for? That wall is the sin in our lives, and it’s a pattern we all get stuck in. Pastor Steven Brumbeloe discusses what it takes to break out of the pattern and get over that wall.

Is God...? | Part 4

March 11, 2018 • Steven Brumbeloe

When you picture God, what do you see? We all have a mental image of who we think God is. But we need a vision of God as He is described in the Bible, not an image of God we created in our minds.

Is God...? | Part 3

Kelly Brumbeloe

Are you living a lifestyle, or seeking something outside of God’s love to fill you? God’s love is all we need. Pastor Kelly Brumbeloe describes the depth of God’s love for us.