My Self | Part 2

The Key to a Satisfied Soul

April 15, 2018 • Jody Ray

How do you fill the voids in your life? Are you satisfied with the person God has created you to be, or do you covet what others have? In this second week of the My Self series, listen as we are reminded that through God we have already overcome the world and all its temptations.

More from My Self

My Self | Part 6

May 13, 2018 • Jody Ray

Have you ever thought about why we judge others so readily? Listen as we teach the power of lifting others up instead of judging.

My Self | Part 5

May 6, 2018 • Jody Ray

What do you worry about? Your children? Your spouse? Your career? Your grades? Your health? Worry is a product of focusing on that which we do not have, and it harms us. Worry brings stress. However, Jesus tells us not to worry about life. Is that really possible? And if we aren’t to supposed to worry what are we supposed to do? Listen as we share the best way to live a worry-free life.

My Self | Part 4

April 29, 2018 • Jody Ray

Who do you think about the most? If we are honest with ourselves many of us would say we think about ourselves the most. When we are the focus of everything then we cannot be who God wants us to be. When we work for our glory what we leave behind us is hurt and pain. Listen as we share why motive is more important than action.