Traveling Light | Part 1

Letting Go of Control

April 28, 2019 • Jody Ray

Following Jesus means Jesus is the leader, not us; however, Jesus often asks us to step out of our comfort zones in order to follow Him. Are you willing to give up control and truly believe that Jesus always has our best interests at heart and that He has incredible plans for your life?

Traveling Light | Part 6

June 2, 2019 • Jody Ray

Worry tells us we don’t have enough, but God tells us He is more than enough. The tighter we hold on to worry, the tighter the bonds of worry wrap around us. God asks us to break the bonds of worry and turn our worries over to him, trusting that He will provide for all our needs.

Traveling Light | Part 5

May 26, 2019 • Joshua Toepper

Anger prevents us from having a heart of prayer and keeps us focused on ourselves and our sense of having been wronged. Only when our hearts are cleansed of anger can the Word of life come in.

Traveling Light | Part 4

May 19, 2019 • Jody Ray

When Christians live with unforgiveness, it can give a false witness to the world and can create a stumbling block to others from coming to faith in Christ. This is why forgiveness, particularly within the family of God is so vital. Release yourself from the prison of unforgiveness, whether or not the other party even acknowledges their wrong doing.