The Big Picture | Part 2

Missed Opportunities

June 23, 2019 • Steven Brumbeloe

We often miss the chance to commune with God simply because our center of gravity has shifted, and we focus on the wrong things. God's grace, however, can shift us away from evil and sin by moving our center of gravity from falling into faithfulness.

The Big Picture | Part 6

July 21, 2019 • Steven Brumbeloe

Religion is often understood in terms of avoiding something bad rather than embracing something amazing. This view encourages us to participate in just the bare minimum needed to avoid the undesirable outcome. But the truth is there is a greater life is waiting for us, and we can begin to live that greater life right now. While the world around us may still be in the midst of brokenness, we can experience the resurrection life of Christ and his New Creation, even as we wait with absolute assurance for its full inauguration.

The Big Picture | Part 5

July 14, 2019 • Steven Brumbeloe

Christianity is meant to be lived in community, and it is the Community to which God has given His Spirit. We need one another in order to live in the connection that gives us God’s Spirit. We need God’s Spirit to have the peace, the joy, the self-control, and all the rest that we so want in our lives.

The Big Picture | Part 4

July 7, 2019 • Carey Akin

God will go to any lengths for us. Because we are flawed, He came to us in the form of a baby, suffered for us, and died on the cross so that our lives could be changed. How are you using what God has entrusted to you? Are you willing to show the world what God has done for you through sacrifice?