Sermon Series

Elijah and the Gentle Whisper

August 8, 2021 • Nate Hilgenkamp • 1 Kings 19, 1 Corinthians 10:13, Psalm 34:18

Have you ever been in a situation where you are trying your absolute best but no matter what you do your efforts are in vain? Where you try your best and your best isn’t good enough? As we finish our series, BC, Nate Hilgenkamp teaches us about God’s presence in times of trouble as we study the life of Elijah in 1 Kings 19. KEY TAKEAWAYS -Oftentimes in life your greatest successes are followed by your greatest disappointments. -When life gets hard and you are tired, what do you run to? -God will give you more than you can handle. -Sometimes life is simply hard. Our trouble is not that we don’t love God and don’t have faith. It’s the reality that we currently live in a fallen world. -When God asks Elijah what he’s doing, Elijah answers about everyone else, but not himself. He focused on what everyone else isn’t doing rather than answering the Lord about what he was doing. -Our God is not simply powerful, but present. -God will be close in your discomfort. -Why do we feel closer to God in the pain? Why can we hear the whisper when life is hard but not other times? Because our lives are too busy and too loud. -We can establish disciplines of silence and solitude. Of slowing down. Disciplines of spending time with the Lord to hear Him all the time, and not just when life is hard. -God will restore your purpose. -How often are your greatest anxieties something that God has already taken care of? -You might not be getting attacked by the enemy because you are not out on mission against him…you are dwelling in a self-created cave. You are a cave dwelling Christian. -Close encounters with Jesus change everything. -You can’t have God’s power without His presence, and vice versa. He is a God of both.

Elijah and the One True God

August 1, 2021 • Scott Kedersha • Revelation 3:15–16, 1 Kings 18:16–39, Ephesians 4:29, Galatians 1:10, Matthew 6:24

Have you ever met someone who was consistent and faithful in most of their life but had an area of life that was confusing or disobedient? What about you? Where in your life are you justifying a behavior that simply doesn’t make sense? That’s sinful? As we continue our sermon series, BC, Scott Kedersha teaches us about false gods and the one true God by examining the story of Elijah and the prophets of Baal. KEY TAKEAWAYS -Decide who you are going to follow. -Do you act one way in some settings and another way in other settings? -God’s Word does not speak well toward those who are lukewarm in their faith toward God. -Christians who are inconsistent—who are hypocritical—are one of the greatest causes of atheism today. -A false god never delivers. -What false god are you prone to worship? The result of a college sports event? The engagement on a social media post? Your house, car, or income? What is it for you? -There is no binge apart from Jesus that will ever fill you up. -The true God always delivers. -God loves to stack the deck against Himself and then flex. -Any battle that involves God isn’t really a battle. -If the Lord is God, then follow Him.

Jacob and Wrestling with God

July 25, 2021 • Drew Greenway • Genesis 28:16, Genesis 32:22—33:5, 2 Corinthians 5:17, James 4:8, Psalm 34:18

Have you ever had an injury that caused you to walk with a limp? Experienced something in life that left a mark and changed you? As we continue our sermon series, BC, Drew Greenway teaches us about how wrestling with God gives us a new identity, intimacy, and humility as he examines the story of Jacob wrestling with God. KEY TAKEAWAYS -It’s through the valleys in life that we grow the most. -If you can worry about it you can pray about it. -Wrestling with God gives new identity. -It was when Jacob was finally alone that he experienced God’s presence. -We worship a God who is willing to get in the mess with us. -If your identity is in anything other than Christ, it is an idol. You are not your enneagram number, your sin struggle, or your accomplishments. -Wrestling with God gives intimacy. -Jacob’s encounter with God is the closest encounter with God in the entire Old Testament. -Have you ever felt like God was distant? -When you face hardship, you have two choices: run to God or run away from God. That’s it. -To gain intimacy with God you must give up control. -Wrestling with God gives humility. -Only in the Christian life does surrender bring victory. -God’s economy takes worldly wisdom and flips it on its head. -What does God want you to surrender? What is He asking you to relinquish control of? -Are you harboring bitterness toward someone? Are you running away from God? -God may leave you limping toward Heaven so you aren’t running toward hell. -Our wounds remind us of our identity in Christ.

Saul and the Dangers of Disobedience

July 18, 2021 • Jon Green • 1 Samuel 13:5–15, 1 Samuel 12:14–15, Galatians 1:10, 1 Samuel 12:20–24, Romans 6:1–2

Has there any been a time in life where you knew the rules and expectations but you broke them anyway? Where you disobeyed (no matter how small the offense)? As we continue our series, BC, Jon Green teaches us about the cost of disobedience by examining the downfall of King Saul. KEY TAKEAWAYS -Saul was the very first king of Israel. He was handsome, tall, and wealthy. He’s the type of guy everyone would want to follow. -Never fear (the) people more than God. -All 66 books of the Bible point to Jesus. The Bible is one story pointing to God’s redemption of fallen humanity through Christ. -If you were alone and enemies were coming toward you, what would you do? Would you take a shortcut and go against something you know God forbids? -The desire to be accepted and fit in is part of the human experience. However, God created us to find our acceptance in Him, not other people. -Where are you prone to find acceptance in people as opposed to God? -Never get ahead of God. -Are you numb to your sin? Today can be your day to confess and bring it into the light. -If we are in sin, we pin our sins on other people and normalize things that are against the ways of God. -Your feelings are real, but they are not always reliable. -If your feelings are the driving force behind your decisions you are going to experience hurt and disappointment in life. -There are plenty of commands throughout the Bible—both the Old and New Testament—we treat like suggestions and ignore. -Self-reliance is completely contradictory and opposed to the gospel. -Disobedience always comes at a cost. -Sin always had consequences. Always. -There is always a ripple effect to your sin. It never hurts or impacts just you. -You are only fooling yourself if you think you can get away with your sin. -God’s instructions aren’t to rob us of freedom. They are to give us discipline, which leads to freedom. -Don’t be someone who starts well and then falls. Trust Christ—every single day—and finish well as you trust in Him. MENTIONED OR RECOMMENDED RESOURCES -Suggested Scripture Study: 1 Samuel 13:5-15; 1 Samuel 12:14-15; Galatians 1:10; 1 Samuel 12:20-24; Romans 6:1-2; Romans 6:1-2 -Sermon: David and Goliath

David and Goliath

July 11, 2021 • Rich Bartel • 1 Samuel 17, James 4:6, 2 Chronicles 16:9, Proverbs 16:18

Have you ever met someone who has great faith in something? What about you? Where in life are you most prone to put your faith? As we continue our series, BC, Rich Bartel teaches us about misplaced faith and properly placed faith by studying the story of David and Goliath. KEY TAKEAWAYS -Misplaced faith leads to arrogance. -Sometimes when we experience success we forget the grace of God and forget all the people who helped us along the way. -What’s the source of your arrogance? Where have you misplaced your faith? -Misplaced faith leads to fear. -What comes through the “what if Rolodex” of your mind when you lay down at night? -God is enough. Period. -What do you fear? Why? -David did what David had always done. He was a servant and a shepherd. Serving others, protecting his flock, and trusting in God, his Shepherd. -What is God asking you to do that requires great faith? -Faith placed in God always prevails. -David believed God when life brought obstacles his way. He knew God would prevail when circumstances suggested otherwise. -Where does your mind and heart go when you are faced with obstacles and challenges? -You are not David and you never will be. God doesn’t bring Goliath’s in your life, and He doesn’t ask you to channel your inner David. He asks you to trust in Christ. MENTIONED OR RECOMMENDED RESOURCES -Suggested Scripture Study: 1 Samuel 17; Proverbs 16:18; James 4:6; James 4:6; 2 Chronicles 16:9 -Sermon: Naaman and Elisha

Naaman and Elisha

July 4, 2021 • Nate Hilgenkamp • 2 Kings 5:1–19, James 1:15, James 4:6

Has there ever been a time in your life when the last thing you want to do is the very thing that will make you well? As we continue our series, BC, Nate Hilgenkamp teaches us the story of Naaman from 2 Kings 5. KEY TAKEAWAYS -A diagnosis removes distractions. -Throughout Scripture, sin is compared to and very like leprosy. They both start small, but they always grow and they always lead to death. -Sadly and too often, the diagnosis of sin in our lives doesn’t remove distractions. This shouldn’t be! -What diagnosis would be more distracting to you: leprosy or sin? -Pride prevents a cure. -How often do your disappointments and frustrations with God have to do with what you thought would happen not happening? -Our missed expectations lead to our biggest disappointments. -Make no mistake, pride will kill you. It’s far more deadly than leprosy. -Healing requires humility. -Submitting yourself to God’s commandments and ways when you don’t understand is often when He chooses to heal us. -To understand why, submit and apply. -Jesus is the cure we need. He alone. That’s it. -Admitting your brokenness and need for Jesus is the only thing you need to get to Him. All you need is need. MENTIONED OR RECOMMENDED RESOURCES -Suggested Scripture Study: 2 Kings 5:1-19; James 1:15; James 4:6 -Sermon: Daniel and the Lion’s Den

Daniel and the Lions Den

June 27, 2021 • Trent Horner • Daniel 6, Colossians 3:23, 1 John 1:7, Proverbs 3:5–6

When was the last time your faith was tested? Have you seen someone be faithful in the midst of difficulty or persecution? As we continue our series, BC, Trent Horner teaches us about faithfulness by examining the story of Daniel and the lion’s den in Daniel 6. KEY TAKEAWAYS -Faithfulness stands out. -Daniel had a track record of faithfulness. He was loyal and consistent. -If someone were trying to dig up something against you, what would they find? How would they take you down? -Faithfulness stands firm. -When we are squeezed or pressed, what’s really inside comes out. -Where are you prone to not stand firm in your life? Where do you lack faithfulness? -Daniel’s decision about what to do when pressed was easy because the decision had already been made long before he was pressed. -What are you committed to in life? -If difficulty and persecution come your way, what will you do? -Daniel had a track record of faithfulness, and yet, he still got thrown into the lion’s den. -What are the things in your life that only make sense because you are a follower of Jesus? -Sin never gets the last laugh. -God’s faithfulness stands forever. -Are you living a life that is devoted and dedicated to faith? -Who is your community? Who are the people in your life that you practice the one another’s of Scripture with? MENTIONED OR RECOMMENDED RESOURCES -Suggested Scripture Study: Daniel 6; Colossians 3:23; 1 John 1:7; Proverbs 3:5-6 -Sermon: Adam and Eve

Adam and Eve

June 20, 2021 • Jonathan Pokluda • Genesis 2, Genesis 3, Romans 14:23, James 1:14–15, Romans 5:17–19

Where have you become comfortable giving into temptation? Where have you normalized sin instead of resisting it? As we continue our series, BC, JP teaches us about the first ever temptation and sin. KEY TAKEAWAYS -“Did God really say?” is the first lie in the Bible. -The first act of legalism in the Bible happens in Genesis 3. -The consideration of sin is temptation. -Temptation causes you to question what God says. -Do you trust God? This is the question temptation always asks you. -Tests are external. Temptation happens between your ears. -Self love, self care, and the thought that you should be God are some of the most prevalent lies in our country today. -Beware of being under attack when you are hungry, tired, lonely, or discontent. You will be much more susceptible in those moments. -Satan’s offers are always counterfeit and always costly. -God’s Word is your greatest weapon against temptation. -Trust yourself the least when you really, really want something. -When you choose to spend money or do something and you are trying to discern what the Bible would have you do, ask questions that uncover your motives. Questions that uncover what else you could do if you did something else. -The consequence of sin is death. -Sin is an archery term, and it means missing God’s mark. -How do you know if something is sin? Anything you do that is not from faith is sin (Romans 14:23). -Don’t confuse confession with repentance. Confession is acknowledging your sin; repentance is turning from it. -Work existed before the fall, but now it’s hard because of sin. -The cure for sin is Jesus. -The first gospel shows up in Genesis 3. -Because of Jesus, we always have a way out. We don’t have to sin anymore. -You can not grow closer to Jesus while indulging in sin. -Where has your heart grown hard? Where are you no longer resisting temptation and sin? MENTIONED OR RECOMMENDED RESOURCES -Suggested Scripture Study: Genesis 2:15-18; Genesis 3; Romans 14:23; James 1:14-15; Romans 5:17-19; 1 Corinthians 15:45, 10:13; Revelation 21:1-5, 22:1-3 -Sermon: Strings Attached -Sermon: Moses and the Burning Bush

Moses and the Burning Bush

June 13, 2021 • Nate Hilgenkamp • Exodus 2:11–25, Exodus 3:1–12

Have you ever quit something because you felt like a failure? Have you ever failed at something over and over and over again? As we continue our series, BC, Nate Hilgenkamp examines the life of Moses, teaching us how God is not done with us until our dying breath. KEY TAKEAWAYS -God delights in delivering us. -Moses thought his failure was final. -We all pass along what we believe about God by the words we use and how we live our lives. -Do your words teach others that things will always stay the same or that God can change things? -No one is permanently stuck or too far gone for God. No one. -God fights for our freedom. -Over and over God draws Moses out of danger and persecution. -Moses means “drawn up,” which is exactly what God did to Moses himself and what He used Moses to do for the Israelites. -God flips Moses’ focus. -Moses was so consumed with himself and his own failures, not on God and who He is and what He can do. -Stop looking at yourself and your failures and start looking at God. -What are you prone to focus on above God? -Your perceived sense of independence is crushing you. -The only way to experience freedom is giving up and giving God control of your life. -Beware of having a “someone else” mindset and faith. It is selfish and not of the Lord. -Moses was mopey, Jesus was eager. Which one are you more prone to being like? -Will you say yes to what God has for you? Will you submit to Him? MENTIONED OR RECOMMENDED RESOURCES -Suggested Scripture Study: Exodus 2:11-3:12; Psalm 40:2; Exodus 4:11-13; Hebrews 3:1-3 -Sermon: Abraham & Isaac

Abraham and Isaac

June 6, 2021 • Derek Davidson • Genesis 22:1–14, Hebrews 11:17–19, Mark 10:17–31, 2 Kings 3:26–27, Leviticus 18:21

Are you ever confused when you read the Old Testament? Is it ever messy and hard to understand? As we start our new series, BC (Before Christ), Derek Davidson shows us how all of Scripture points to Christ. Specifically, he examines the story of Abraham and Isaac. KEY TAKEAWAYS -God tests us to reveal our faith. -Abraham failed multiple tests throughout his life; however, God continued to use Abraham and fulfill His promises to him. That’s the God we serve. -What’s the one thing you don’t want God to ask you to do? To give up? -What in your life has your trust and loyalty more than God? -This story reveals God’s character. -In the Old Testament, other people and cultures would sacrifice their children to their gods. That’s not the God we serve! -What false god are you prone to worship: gossip, pride, pornography, materialism, money, work, accomplishments, comfort, food? What is it for you? -The whole Old Testament reveals Jesus. -Throughout the Old Testament, God in His sovereignty points to Jesus time and time and time again. -There are many, many similarities between Isaac and Jesus. -When we are tested by God, it’s an invitation to join Him and His story and what He is up to. -What invitations from God are you missing out on? -Whatever test you are facing, because of Christ, you can trust Him. He will provide. MENTIONED OR RECOMMENDED RESOURCES -Suggested Scripture Study: Genesis 22:1-14; Hebrews 11:17-19; Mark 10:17-31; 2 Kings 3:26-27; Leviticus 18:21