
Show Your Wounds to Share Your Savior | Easter 2024

Harris Creek Baptist Church

March 31, 2024 • John Elmore • John 20:24–29

Jesus showed his wounds and Thomas was changed forever. Thomas believed Jesus was risen indeed. May we be encouraged to show our wounds and tell others about the risen Savior who changed our lives forever. 


1. We tend to conceal when the Bible’s pattern is to reveal.

2. Show your wounds to share your Savior.

3. A man with an experience of God is never at the mercy of a man with an argument. 



Life Group Discussion: 

- What do you remember about Easter Sunday in your childhood? Was it an important day in your family?

- Do you conceal your wounds or reveal them? Why or why not?

- What are some of the challenges you face to show your wounds in your workplace, school, neighborhood, and with friends?

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