
Joy in Knowing Jesus


November 22, 2020 • Bryan Carter • Philippians 3:1–14

When you hear the word religion, what comes to mind? What about the word relationship? What do the two of them have to do with Christianity and the Bible? As we continue studying the book of Philippians, Dr. Bryan Carter teaches through Philippians 3:1-14, teaching us what we can learn about religion and a relationship with God through the life of the Apostle Paul.


-Beware of people who say Christianity is Jesus + something else.

-We will never be able to earn our way to God. Doing good, religious things is not what God wants from us or for us.

-Religion always leads to pride, self-righteousness, and cruelty.

-Unfortunately, some of the meanest people can be found in the church! This should not be; it is not what God is about nor what the Bible teaches.

-Followers of Jesus change from the inside out, not the outside in.

-Religion makes a whole lot of noise, but it’s empty. It doesn’t really do anything. It’s like a vacuum that powers on and sounds like it’s working but doesn’t suck anything up.

-It’s the Spirit of God that changes us and fuels us to live for Him, not our works or efforts.

-When you follow Jesus, you grow and learn to no longer put confidence in yourself or your actions.

-Anything and everything this world has to offer—money, sex, power, status, fame—is all for loss compared to knowing Christ.

-Do you focus more on external things that happen in your life or the internal things of your heart?

-What is the joy and focus of your life?

-As Christians, in suffering, we get to know and become closer with Jesus.

-2020 has been quite the year...do you know Jesus and love Him more as the end of the year is drawing near?

-Religion creates a facade and a complacency making you think you’ve arrived and that you can coast. Christians aren’t “there yet” or done until we die or Christ returns. We are all a work in progress.

-In order to know and press toward Christ, you need to learn to forget what lies behind you.

-Christianity is both an “already” (Christ came and died and rose to life) and a “not yet” (Christ will come again!) faith.

-What are you pressing toward? What is the aim and goal of your life?


-Suggested Scripture Study: Philippians 3:1-14

-Book: The Grace Awakening by Charles Swindoll

-Sermon: Ordinary Obedience

-Sermon: Working Out to Finish Strong

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