The Gift That Keeps on Giving


February 14, 2021 • Jonathan Pokluda • Romans 12:1–8

Have you ever received a gift that you didn’t use? What about given someone a gift that they didn’t use? As we continue our series, Ecclesia, JP teaches through Romans 12:1-8, teaching us about spiritual gifts and how we can use them faithfully and to the glory of God.


-Nothing lacks appreciation like not opening or using a gift from someone.

-Spiritual gifts are gifts (talents) the Holy Spirit gives you to build up God’s church and glorify Him.

-The church is a people given gifts from and for God.

-100% of Christians are given spiritual gifts from God. Only 45% of people in the church are serving (national average). As of today, 35% of people at Harris Creek are serving.

-There are four ways to misuse your spiritual gift(s): use the gift for selfish gain, neglect the gift, resent the gift, & covet other gifts.

-You have met very few people who have given themselves as a living sacrifice to God.

-A surrendered Christian is focused on serving others.

-When you say someone is “gifted” you are really saying they have been given something. It’s no different with spiritual gifts...they are given by God (not something you work for).

-Your gifts are hidden by pride and used with faith.

-Your giftedness will not develop godliness.

-If you think the church exists to serve you, then you have never seen or been part of a biblical church.

-There are a diversity of gifts among the church.

-You need to grow in appreciation for other people’s gifts. You want a church to have a diversity of gifts, not a bunch of people that all have the same gift.

-You being a right member of the local church will be sanctifying. It will be hard at times...which means you are doing it right!

-Identify your gifts and use them.

-One way to find out what your spiritual gift is is to ask the people closest to you what they think it is.

-You will only be held accountable for what you did with the gift(s) you were given, not what you were not given.


-Suggested Scripture Study: Romans 12:1-8; Matthew 25:28-30

-Resource: Bible Knowledge Commentary

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What is the church?

January 31, 2021 • Jonathan Pokluda • Matthew 16:13–27

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