The Faithfulness of Abraham | Advent Week 2

Harris Creek Baptist Church

December 10, 2023 • Grant Troutt

As we continue our series, “Till He Appears”, Grant shows us how the story of the sacrifice of Isaac ultimately predicted the coming of our Savior. Grant contrasts how the testing of Abraham’s faith and his willingness to sacrifice his only son, shows us how God has never failed His children. God sacrificed His only Son so we could be free. 

Genesis 22

1. Our faith will be tested

2. Faith in God is followed by obedience to God

3. God faithfully provided the sacrifice


Life Group Questions:

James 1:2-3 says, “…the testing of your faith produces perseverance.” When was a time that your faith was tested and what did you learn about the character of God from this experience?

How can you step outside of your comfort zone to grow in your faith?

John 9:25 says, “…I was blind and now I can see.” When was there a pivotal point in your faith where you had to put your trust in the Lord instead of on your own understanding?


The Coming of Jesus | Christmas Eve 2023

December 24, 2023 • Jonathan Pokluda

As we complete our series, “Till He Appears,” we examine Jesus is woven throughout the Old Testament pointing towards God with us. Today, we are to be looking for Him like the magi – He’s coming back! Prepare your hearts and spread the good news.

The Obedience of Joseph | Advent Week 3

December 17, 2023 • Jonathan Pokluda

In this message, JP shows through the story of Joseph, we can trust God’s sovereignty in all circumstances. JP teaches the complete obedience of Joseph leads to extraordinary outcomes ultimately predicting the future suffering of Jesus our Savior.    Genesis 37-50 Family of origin doesn’t limit our opportunity for obedience You cannot determine obedience by the outcome Ordinary obedience leads to extraordinary opportunities   Life Group Questions: Do you blame God when circumstances are not good, or do you lean into Him? How can you move forward in your suffering and not get stuck in your circumstance?  Share a time you were in the fire, and you saw the hand of God get you through to the other side.

The Undoing of Adam | Advent Week 1

December 3, 2023 • Nate Hilgenkamp • Genesis 1:26—3:15

As we begin our series, “Till He Appears,” Nate shows us how the story of Adam and Eve ultimately predicted the coming of our Savior. Nate contrasts Adam’s shortcomings with Jesus’ fulfillment of our brokenness to illustrate how God planned for our redemption all along. Genesis 1:26-3:15        1) Adam’s use of authority creates the need for Jesus’ use of authority        2) Adam’s actions brought shame, Jesus’ actions removed shame        3) Adam avoids responsibility which Jesus takes responsibility Life Group Questions: 1) Romans 5:18-19 says, "Consequently, just as one trespass resulted in condemnation for all people, so also one righteous act resulted in justification and life for all people. For just as through the disobedience of the one man the many were made sinners, so also through the obedience of the one man the many will be made righteous." How do you see evidence of the Lord's faithfulness even in the midst of Adam and Eve's sin? How does this relate to your life and your need for a Savior? 2) When was a time you were faced with shame, but Jesus ultimately removed this shame in order to glorify Him? 3) What are some ways that you can express gratitude for Jesus taking responsibility for your sin? How could you teach a non-believer about this truth?