God's Promise to Zechariah

December 12, 2021 • Nate Hilgenkamp • Luke 1:10–20, Malachi 4:5–6, Philippians 4:19, John 4:14, Hebrews 11:1

Have you ever been let down before? Had someone say they’d do something and then they didn’t do it? As we start a new sermon series, a Critical Christmas, Nate Hilgenkamp teaches through Luke 1:10-20 and examines the story of Zechariah, answering the question of whether or not God can be trusted.


-God makes promises to His people.

-God often talks about what He will do in the future, which requires a specific response from us: faith.

-What circumstance causes you to doubt and question God the most?

-God’s people often question God’s promises.

-Do you struggle to trust God with your future because you’ve forgotten what He’s done in the past because you are so consumed with your present circumstances?

-God fulfills His promises.

-This is how we often question God: “How because I am _______?”

-The answer to Moses’ and Zechariah’s question is the same answer to our questions: God is. He is who He says He is.

-God does what He promises.

-There are over 300 prophecies in the Old Testament that come true during Jesus’ time on earth. Multiple of which were completely out of His control.

-We have more in common with Zechariah than we think.

-As Christians, we are waiting for Christ to return. Are you ready for it?

-The story of Christmas tells us that God can be trusted.


-Suggested Scripture study: Luke 1:10-20; Malachi 4:5-6; Philippians 4:19; John 4:14, 14:2-3; Hebrews 11:1; Genesis 17:15-17; Exodus 3:11-14; Revelation 19:6-9

December 26, 2021

December 26, 2021

God's Promise to You

December 24, 2021 • Jonathan Pokluda

God's Promise To Mary

December 19, 2021 • Rich Bartel • Luke 1:28–56, Psalm 34:2, Isaiah 45:21, 1 Samuel 1:11, Psalm 126:3

When things disrupt your life, how are you prone to respond? What comes out of you when you are squeezed? As we continue our series, a Critical Christmas, Rich Bartel teaches us about the story of Mary and how she responded when God disrupted her life. KEY TAKEAWAYS -When God comes in and disrupts your life, how do you respond? -Mary, the mother of Jesus, was a simple, ordinary woman in need of a savior just like us. -Humility isn’t self-denigration, but rather an honest self-appraisal. -Mary responds with humility. -Mary acknowledged who her Master was and she humbly and gladly responded to His plan for her life. -Mary was submitted to God’s Word. -Mary embodied the truths Scripture calls us to live by. -You will never meet a mature, kind, discerning, wise, and loving Christian who hasn’t spent time reading, knowing, and meditating on God’s Word. -Mary responds with worship. -Life isn’t a matter of trying to not be shaken, but rather, what comes out of you when you are shaken. -Make no mistake: if you are a Christian, God will disrupt your life. How will you respond when He does? MENTIONED OR RECOMMENDED RESOURCES -Suggested Scripture study: Luke 1:28-56; Psalm 34:2; Isaiah 45:21; 1 Samuel 1:11; Psalm 126:3; Psalm 111:9 -Sermon: God’s Promise to Zechariah