The War For Your Soul

Harris Creek Baptist Church

September 17, 2023 • Jonathan Pokluda

As we continue in our series, Forged, JP reminds us that earth is not our home; our earthly calling is to make disciples of Christ. JP looks to 1 Peter to remind us of God’s grace as we push through the spiritual war over our hearts.

1 Peter 2:11-12

1) We are not home

2) We are at war

3) It’s not fair

Life Group Questions:

1. The grace that we receive through Christ is the payment of our sins without us doing anything to earn or deserve it. Has there been a time when you felt that you needed to do the right things to be saved or to please God? Explain.

2. God has called us to live on mission. How can you represent Christ in a world that is not our home?

3. Luke 6:35 reminds us to do good to those who do wrong to you. How can you extend grace in the midst of injustice?

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When the Enemy Prowls

November 12, 2023 • Jonathan Pokluda

As we wrap up our series, “Forged,” JP shows us three unavoidable obstacles that are found in Scripture and how to combat them. JP looks to 1 Peter to show us how anxiety, temptation and suffering can be combated with a Kingdom first mindset.  1 Peter 5:6-10        1) In anxiety, humble yourself        2) In temptation, resist the devil        3) In suffering, practice patience Life Group Questions:        1) When faced with anxiety, how can you effectively cast those burdens on the Lord knowing how much He cares for you?        2) Was there a time when you were hesitant to bring sin to the light out of fear that others wouldn’t understand? What is a verse that you have clung to when faced with temptation?        3) What is a way that you can help others practice patience in times of suffering? Explain a time where you were shown grace in the midst of suffering. 

The Key to a Healthy Church

November 5, 2023 • Jonathan Pokluda

As we continue in our series, “Forged,” JP reminds us that humility is key for a healthy church body. JP looks to 1 Peter to show us how church elders and members must serve one another with an eager heart. 1 Peter 5:1-5 1) For the church to work, you must have humble elders 2) Church leaders must serve with humble motives 3) For church to work, you must have humble members Life Group Questions: 1) How have you seen the church impacted in a positive way through our elders? 2) How can you grow in serving one another in humility? 3) Do you find yourself convicted of consumerism? What are ways that your output can be greater than your input?

Facing Persecution

October 29, 2023 • Jonathan Pokluda

As we continue in our series, “Forged,” JP reminds us that Christians must lean closer to God in times of suffering because He is sanctifying us. JP looks to 1 Peter to show us five things we should not do in suffering. As we seek to become more like Christ, we must rejoice in suffering because our Savior suffered for us on our behalf. 1 Peter 4:12-19        1) Do not be surprised in suffering        2) Do not be discouraged in suffering        3) Do not be guilty in suffering        4) Do not be ashamed in suffering         5) Do not suffer outside of God’s will because our Savior suffered for us on our behalf. Life Group Questions: 1. JP shared that approximately 13 Christians are killed each day for sharing their faith. How can you be diligent to pray for those who are being persecuted for their faith? How can you grow in sharing your faith with others? 2. What is a spiritual discipline that you have seen growth in after experiencing a time of suffering? 3. Has there been a time when you suffered because of sin? How have you experienced God’s grace as you’ve fully surrendered your sufferings to the Lord?