
Hope for The Adulterous Heart

Harris Creek Baptist Church

June 16, 2024 • Joshua Broome

Jesus is calling us to a higher standard of living and what we need is not to try harder to modify our behavior, rather we need heart transformation that comes from fully surrendering our entire lives to Jesus’ authority. In this sermon we learn from Joshua Broome, a former pornstar turned pastor, who points us towards Jesus' words on these truths.


1. Authority Reassigned

2. Adultery Redefined

3. The Adulterous Heart Redeemed


Life Group Discussion:

- How do you put up guardrails to protect your heart from tripping up?

- Do you bring your struggles to your heavenly Father? Or do you try to hide your struggles from God and others? 

- Do you take inventory of your life? What are you watching? What are you reading? What are you listening to? Who are you hanging out with? What do you need to stop doing that keeps you from becoming the likeness of Christ?