
Courage From and for the Gospel


October 18, 2020 • Jonathan Pokluda • Philippians 1:12–26

Have you ever met someone who had courage? What are you most courageous about in life? As we continue studying the book of Philippians, JP teaches us about the courage we can have through Christ.


- Encourage simply means to put courage in someone. As Christians, our courage should be in the gospel—the good news of Jesus.

- We have become inoculated to Christianity. Meaning, we have received a little bit of it time and time again to where we are numb to what it really is and means for our lives.

- Does talking about Jesus mark you? Do you view every opportunity as an opportunity to talk about Him?

- Paul’s courage is contagious.

- Harris Creek makes disciples. We are a factory, and we make missionaries to go serve in businesses, schools, coffee shops, and countries all over the world.

- You can share the gospel with 100% confidence because one day every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord.

- Paul’s courage is confident in opposition.

- Sadly, the church is often marked by disunity. People start to make Christianity about knowledge at the expense of love. What about you: Are you marked by knowledge, cynicism, and elitism, or love, joy, peace, and unity?

- If these three things happened, which would excite you the most: Your team wins the national championship, your favorite restaurant/store comes to town, or someone comes to know Christ?

- Paul’s courage comes from Christ.

- The main reason we don’t share the gospel is that we lack faith.

- We talk about what we care about. What do you care about?

- “I would rather fail in a cause that would ultimately succeed than succeed in a cause that would ultimately fail.” -Woodrow Wilson


- Suggested Scripture study: Philippians 1:12-26

- Sermon: Growing a Love for People

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