
Growing a Love for People


October 11, 2020 • Jonathan Pokluda • Philippians 1:1–11

Do you ever look back on life to a season when you had a close group of friends? When you always had someone with you no matter what life threw your way? Do you want to have that today and in the days ahead? As we start our study on the book of Philippians, JP shows us how to grow our affections for others as he teaches through Philippians 1:1-11.


- The first thing you are going to see out of the gate when reading Philippians is how much Paul loved the church at Philippi.

- The gospel is more powerful than the sin of materialism and the power of demonic forces…it cannot be stopped.

- One of the most common features—behind the gospel itself—of successful life groups is they embrace the fact that community is forged and not found. They understand that to have successful community you must learn to love one another.

- Grow love for people by partnering with them in the gospel.

- As a Christian, every relationship can be summed up in one of two groups: You are either partnered with them in making God known or you are partnered with God in helping them know Him.

- If you want to grow affection for someone, be careful with your thoughts. What you think about them will shape how you feel toward them.

- The memories you feed determine the emotions you feel.

- Grow love for others by seeing them in a process.

- You doubting that someone would respond to the gospel is not doubting them, it is doubting God.

- Being frustrated with someone’s sanctification process—the process of them becoming more like Jesus—is like assuming their journey is already over. That God is already done with them.

- If you are going to be naive about anything, be naive because you are so full of faith that God can change anyone.

- When we come to know Jesus, sometimes God takes sin and struggles away immediately, and other times it it takes time and a journey to continue to become more like Jesus.

- God is not naive to our sin, He’s just paid for it.

- It’s one thing to tell someone you are praying for them, but it’s completely different to tell them what you are praying for them.

- One of the most common reasons for conflict is simply a misunderstanding.

- We are as divided as we are as a country because everyone is listening to their own feedback loop and simply trying to win arguments with people who have differing beliefs, rather than listening and seeking to understand why someone believes what they do.

- Sharing the gospel with everyone you come in contact with is normative for a Christian. Compartmentalizing your faith to a time slot on Sunday is never what God had in mind.

- Grow love for others by praying for them.

- Your church are the people you gather with week in and week out as a life group, not a room full of people you don’t know when you gather corporately once a week.

- How can you better partner with your life group to advance the gospel this week?


- Suggested Scripture study: Philippians 1:1-11; Acts 16:11-40; Romans 8:30; 2 Corinthians 5:17

- Sermon: Community-Centered

- Sermon: Missional

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