
Ordinary Obedience


November 15, 2020 • Nate Hilgenkamp • Philippians 2:19–30

When you think of heroes of the Christian faith, who comes to mind? As we continue studying the book of Philippians, Nate Hilgenkamp teaches through Philippians 2:19-30, showing us that God uses ordinary obedience from ordinary people to accomplish extraordinary things.

-Genuine care is rare.
-It’s easy to care for people in the moment, but it’s challenging to care for people on an on-going basis, day after day, week after week.
-If all your prayers from this last week were answered “yes,” how many lives would be impacted?
-An inward focused life will never be a Christ-exalting life.
-The more you love Jesus the more you will love the things Jesus loves.
-The more you love yourself the more stressed and depressed and anxious you will be. However, a life focused on others is a life of impact.
-Willingness is worship.
-Are you willing to serve others? To go out of your way and your agenda to serve someone else?
-Is there anything you aren’t willing to do to worship Jesus?
-Your willingness will determine how much you are used by God.
-Ordinary obedience from ordinary people produces extraordinary results.
-Don’t buy the lie that you don’t have what it takes to be used by God.
-Are you in the game or sitting on the sideline?

Suggested Scripture study: Philippians 2:19-30; 2 Timothy 3:1-2
Sermon: Working Out to Finish Strong
Sermon: The Humility of Jesus

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