

Harris Creek Baptist Church

August 25, 2024 • Jonathan Pokluda • 1 John 1:4–7

Walking in the light of Christ brings joy, authenticity, and true fellowship with others. In this light, we are honest with God and each other, and we find deep connections. It's also where we receive forgiveness, as Jesus' sacrifice cleanses us from sin. Living in the light fills our lives with joy, community, and grace.


Find authenticity in the light

Find fellowship in the light

Find forgiveness in the light


Life Group Discussion:

How can you bring more authenticity into your relationship with God and others? What are specific areas in your life where you might struggle with being transparent or honest.

What steps can you take to deepen your fellowship with other believers in your community? Think about ways to build stronger connections with those around you through shared faith and experiences.

How does understanding Christ’s forgiveness influence the way you deal with guilt and sin in your daily life? Reflect on how embracing His grace can change your mindset and actions.