Fool Proof Conflict

Fool Proof

January 29, 2023 • Nate Hilgenkamp • Proverbs 17:9, Proverbs 18:2, Proverbs 15:1, Proverbs 15:18

Since we live in a broken world, conflict with others is inevitable. The good news is Proverbs has given us direction on how to wisely do conflict in a way that honors God.


1) In conflict, the wise fight to understand,

2) In conflict, the wise fight to be gentle,

3) In conflict, the wise fight to forgive

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Fool Proof Words

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Fool Proof Love

January 22, 2023 • Jonathan Pokluda • Proverbs 5:15–23, 1 Corinthians 7:2–3, 1 Corinthians 7:9, Jeremiah 2:13

When it comes to love and marriage, where do you get your information and guidance? Music and movies have a lot to say about the topic, but what exactly does media and entertainment teach us? As we continue our series, Fool Proof, JP teaches through the topic of adultery and how to fool proof your love and marriage by teaching through Proverbs 5:15-23. 1) Do not go outside your marriage 2) Be captivated by who you have 3) Discipline yourself to escape death