04 - Biblical Womanhood - In Church

Selected Scriptures

November 12, 2023 • Pastor Ronald H. Gann • 1 Timothy 2:11–12

As it relates to the roles and responsibilities of women in the church, on one side of the fence there are those who insist that, since women are equal with men in God's eyes and we live in an enlightened age, the prohibitions in Scripture against women serving in leadership in the church no longer apply. Such passages are to be interpreted culturally, not literally. On the other end of the spectrum, there are those who have a wooden interpretation of the Bible and argue that women are to be kept in spiritual straightjackets, so to speak. Like children, women are to be seen and not heard in the church, present but not active; they are to speak only when spoken to. Which view, if any, is correct? Are women allowed to teach men or must they be silent at all times?

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