17 - Walking In Prayer

1 John 5:13-21

October 23, 2022 • Pastor Ronald H. Gann • 1 John 5:13–21

John's closing remarks in his first epistle, at first glance, can seem like he’s just a bunch of random thoughts that he is writing. But his words form a powerful climax to all that he has written, with a special emphasis on two particular things: (1) The power of prayer; and (2) The pitfalls of perpetual sin, including the sin that leads to death. Throughout the letter John has recycled the moral and doctrinal tests to help the church identify those who are true Christians from those who are not—those who are of Christ and those who are antichrists. And his words also serve a pastoral purpose, hoping to give true believers greater confidence and assurance in their salvation. He closes his remarks calling Christians to prayer and sinless living.

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